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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语这样说:新视角大学英语口语突破(上)



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 何江胜、刘长江、何烨
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 大学英语互动教材系列
标 签: 口语


ISBN: 9787030203236 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 172 pages 字数:  






Topic One Education
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Two University Life
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Three Environment and Pollution
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Five Transportaion
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Six Public Behavior
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Seven Entertainment
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Eight Holidays
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Nine People You Admire
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Ten Climate
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Eleven Sports
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Twelve Shopping
Part One :Dialogues
Part Two :Related Questions with Suggested Answers
Part Three :Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
Part Four:Related Passages
Topic Thirteen Mass Media
Topic Fourteen Employment
Topic Fifteen Famliy
