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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语研究生英语写作



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作 者: 金敬红 主编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 博士英语


ISBN: 9787118054873 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 186 字数:  






Chapter 1 Grammar error analysis
1.1 Subject/verb agreement problem
1.1.1 Five kinds of subject
1.1.2 Rules for subject verb agreement
1.2 Pronoun form and agreement problem
1.2.1 Rules for pronoun agreement
1.2.2 Shift of pronouns
1.2.3 Other problems with pronouns.
1.3 Verb tense problem
1.3.1 Tips for tenses
1.3.2 Shift in verb tenses
1.4 Verb form problem
1.5 Verbal problem
1.5.1 Gerunds
1.5.2 Participles
1.5.3 Infinitives
1.5.4 A comparison between gerunds and infinitives.
1.6 Wbrd form problem
1.6.1 Useful suffixes
1.6.2 A difference between a gerund and a derived noun
1.6.3 Correct comparative and superlative forms of adjec—tives
1.7 Word choice problem
1.7.1 Correct usage of take,make,and do
1.7.2 Words easily confused
1.8 Wrong usage of articles
1.8.1 1 Indefinite articles:a and an
1.8.2 Definite article:the
1.8.3 First VS.subsequent mention
1.8.4 General VS.specific
1.9 Problem with the plural form of a noun
1.10 Word order problem
1.10.1 Rules for word order:inversion of subject and verb
1.10.2 Word order in subordinate clauses
1.10.3 Other situations that requires an inverted word order
1.10.4 Avoiding“squinting”modifiers
1.11 Wrong attributive clause
1.12 Wrong subordinate clause
1.12.1 Independent clauses
1.12.2 Three ways to combine clauses
1.12.3 Dependent clauses
1.13 Parallel form problem
1.13.1 Elements joined by parallel structure
1.13.2 Avoiding problems of parallel structure
1.13.3 Incomplete comparisons
Chapter 2 Sentence error analysis
2.1 The“Big Three”sentence errors
2.1.1 Fragments
2.1.2 Comma splices and run—on sentences
2.2 Dangling modifiers
2.2.1 Major kinds of dangling modifiers
2.2.2 Strategies for revising dangling modifiers
2.3 Fused sentences/Mixed constructions
2.4 Problems with sentence shift
2.4.1 Consistence in person and number
2.4.2 Consistence in subject,voice,and mood
2.4.3 Consistence in verb tense
2.4.4 Consistence in direct and indirect discourse
2.5 Other sentence errors to avoid
Chapter 3 Effective sentences
Chapter 4 Punctration and mechanics
Chapter 5 Powerful paragraphs
Chapter 6 Essays
Chapter 7 Resume and abstract
