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传播政治经济学(英文读书 全二册)

传播政治经济学(英文读书 全二册)

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 曹晋,赵月枝 主编
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 其他经济学理论


ISBN: 9787309058000 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 855 字数:  






序言 曹晋 赵月枝
Part One: Historical Origins and Theoretical Foundations
1. Theories of Communication and Theories of Society
Peter GoldingGraham Murdock 
2. The Legacy of Robert A. Brady: Antifascist Origins of the Political Economy 
of Communications
Dan Schiller
3. The Frankfurt School and the Political Economy of Communications
Ronald V. Bettig 
4. Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism
Dallas W. Smythe
5. “Introduction” to Who Knows: Information in the Age of Fortune 500
Herbert I. Schiller 
6. “Introduction” to Information and the Crisis Economy
Herbert I. Schiller 
7. Reconstructing the Ruined Tower: Contemporary Communications and Questions of Class
Graham Murdock 
8. The Information Commodity: A Preliminary View
Dan Schiller 
9. The Political Economy Approach: A Critical Challenge
Oscar H. Gandy, Jr. 
10. Political Economy, Communication, and Labor
Vincent Mosco
11. Political Economy, Power and New Media
Robin Mansell 

Part Two: Methodological Considerations and Disciplinary Dialogues 
12. Abstracted Empiricism
C. Wright Mills
13. Media Sociology: The Dominant Paradigm
Todd Gitlin 
14. The Rediscovery of “Ideology”: Return of the Repressed in Media Studies
Stuart Hall 
15. Rethinking Political Economy: Change and Continuity
Eileen R. Meehan Vincent Mosco Janet Wasko 
16. Not Yet the PostImperialist Era
Herbert I. Schiller
17. The Political Economy of Communication and the Future of the Field
Robert W. McChesney 

Part Three: The Power of Advertising and the Making of the Audience Commodity
18. Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse
Sut Jhally
19. The Restructuring of the European Advertising Industry
Armand Mattelart
20. Capitalism and Control of the Press
James Curran 
21. Advertising and the Content of a Democratic Press
C. Edwin Baker
22. Gendering the Commodity Audience: Critical Media Research, Feminism, and Political Economy
Eileen R. Meehan
23. Race, Ethnicity and the Segmentation of Media MarketsOscar H. Gandy, Jr.
Part Four: Ownership and Control in the AngloAmerican Contexts: Capital, the State, and Other Social Forces
24. The Process of Legitimation-Ⅱ
Ralph Miliband
25. A Propaganda Model
Edward HermanNoam Chomsky
26. Extending and Refining the Propaganda Model
Colin Sparks
27. Large Corporations and the Control of the Communications Industries
Graham Murdock
28. The Publishing Industry
Mark Crispin Miller
29. Speaking Volumes: The Book Publishing Oligopoly and Its Cultural Consequences
Leah F. Binder
30. Government Financial Support to the Film Industry in the United States
Thomas Guback
31.The New Theology of the First Amendment: Class Privilege over Democracy
Robert W. McChesney 
32. Copyright and the Commodification of Culture
Ronald V. Bettig 
33. Stealth Regulation: Moral Meltdown and Political Radicalism at the Federal 
Communications Commission
Andrew Calabrese 
34. Dynamics of Power in Contemporary Media PolicyMaking
Des Freedman 
35. Commercialism and Professionalism in the American News Media
Daniel C. Hallin 
36. The Hidden Side of Television Violence
George Gerbner
Part Five:International Perspectives: The Global, and National, and Local Dynamics of Capitalist Integration
37. The Context: Great Media Debate
Kaarle Nordenstreng 
38. The Processes: From Nationalisms to Transnationals
Jésus MartínBarbero
39. Communication and the Postcolonial NationState: A New Political Economic Research Agenda
Amin Alhassan 
40. Who Speaks for Asia: Media and Information Control in the Global Economy
Gerald SussmanJohn A. Lent
41. Global Productions
Gerald SussmanJohn A. Lent
42. Political Economy and Ethnography: Transformations in an Indian Village
Manjunath Pendakur
43. A Contemporary “Denial of Access”: Knowledge, IPR and the Public Good 
Pradip Thomas 

Part Six: Sites, Agents and Processes of Transformation
44. Rethinking Media and Democracy 
James Curran
45. Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-Technology Capitalism
Nick Witheford
46. For a Political Economy of Indymedia Practice
Bob Hanke
47. Global Commons, Public Space and Contemporary IPR
Lawrence Liang
48. Who Speaks for the Governed? World Summit on Information Society, Civil Society and the Limits of “Multistakeholderism”
Paula Chakravartty 
