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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 庞继贤 编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材
标 签: 教材


ISBN: 9787544605557 出版时间: 2007-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32 页数: 522 pages 字数:  






Unit 1
 Text Ⅰ Never Say Goodbye
 Text Ⅱ The Dinner Party
Unit 2
 Text Ⅰ Whatever Happened to Manners?
 Text Ⅱ An Educator's Moral Responsibility
Unit 3
 Text Ⅰ When Lightning Struck
 Text Ⅱ Dad Had Lost Any Purpose in Life
Unit 4
 Text Ⅰ World of the Future
 Text Ⅱ How Technology Shapes Our World?
Unit 5
 Text Ⅰ Dealing with AIDS
 Text Ⅱ AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
Unit 6
 Text Ⅰ Towards a Gender Free Society
 Text Ⅱ Women and Men
Unit 7
 Text Ⅰ The Fun They Had
 Text Ⅱ The Laughter
Unit 8
 Text Ⅰ Five Traits of the Educated Man
 Text Ⅱ When Does Education Stop?
Unit 9
 Text Ⅰ World Wide Web Technology: What's Hot and What's Not?
 Text Ⅱ Computer Technology Keeps People Worlds Apart
Unit 10
 Text Ⅰ Hollywood
 Text Ⅱ The Disney Company
Unit 11
 Text Ⅰ How to Be True to Yourself
 Text Ⅱ Becoming a Child of Nature: It's a Twofold Task of Parents and Children
Unit 12
 Text Ⅰ She's Leaving Home
 Text Ⅱ On Going Home
Unit 13
 Text Ⅰ Darkness at Noon
 Text Ⅱ He Rocked, I Reeled
Unit 14
 Text Ⅰ Cultural Encounters
 Text Ⅱ Does Your Body Betray You?
Unit 15
Text Ⅰ Salvation
Text Ⅱ The Capture of Kunta Kinte
Unit 16
Text Ⅰ My Forever Valentine
Text Ⅱ Make Today Count
Test for Units 1-4
Test for Units 5-8
Test for Units 9-12
Test for Units 13-16
Test for Units 1-16
Appendix: Key to the Tests
