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定 价:¥27.00

作 者: 姜亚军、马素萍
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 高职高专英语专业立体化系列教材
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787040229240 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 264 字数:  






Chapter 1 English Writing and Chinese Writing
1.1 Common Features of "Good Writing" 3
1.2 Cultural Differences in Writing 6
1.3 English Writing vs. Chinese Writing 7
1.4 Strategies in Learning English Writing 12
Chapter 2 English Essay: An Overview
2.1 What ls an Essay?  17
2.2 The Three-part Structure 18
2.3 English Paragraphs 20
2.4 The Five-paragraph Essay 21
2.5 Outlining (I): Scratch Outlines 26
2.6 The Written Language 28
Chapter 3 Thesis Statement
3.1 What Does the Thesis Statement Do?  41
3.2 What Is a Thesis Statement?  42
3.3 What Does the Thesis Statement Contain?  43
3.4 Two Types of Thesis Statement 45
3.5 Features that Make a Strong Thesis Statement 49
3.6 What Thesis Statements to Avoid?  52
3.7 Placement of the Thesis Statement 58
3.8 How to Write Effective Sentences (I) 60
Chapter 4 Introductory Paragraph
4.1 What Does the Introduction Do?  73
4.2 What Does the Introduction Contain?  76
4.3 The General-to-specific Pattern 80
4.4 How to Write Effective Sentences (Ⅱ) 82
Chapter 5 Lead-in and Transition
5.1 What Does the Lead-in Do?  93
5.2 The Length of Lead-in 94
5.3 Common Methods of Lead-in 94
5.4 Transition 102
5.5 Putting It All Together 104
5.6 Howto Write Effective Sentences (Ⅲ) 107
Chapter 6 Body Paragraph (I)
6.1 What Does the Body Paragraph Do?  119
6.2 What Does the Body Paragraph Contain?  120
6.3 Topic Sentence 122
6.4 Supporting Sentences 127
6.5 Concluding Sentence 131
6.6 Putting It All Together 133
6.7 How to Write Effective Sentences (Ⅳ) 136
Chapter 7 Body Paragraph (Ⅱ)
7.1 Paragraph Unity 149
7.2 Paragraph Coherence 152
7.3 Paragraph Development 157
7.4 How to Write Effective Sentences (V) 170
Chapter 8 Concluding Paragraph
8.1 What Does the Conclusion Do?  183
8.2 What Does the Conclusion Contain?  184
8.3 Specific-to-general Pattern 187
8.4 Common Methods of Conclusion 188
8.5 What Conclusions to Avoid 192
8.6 Howto Write Effective Sentences (Ⅵ) 195
Chapter 9 Five-paragraph Essays
9.1 Characteristics of Good Essays 203
9.2 Outlining (Ⅱ): Formal Outlines 204
9.3 Putting It All Together 207
9.4 Variation in Essay Structure 217
9.5 Revising Your Draft 222
Key to Exercises
Appendix I
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ
