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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 刘绍龙
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787544606301 出版时间: 2008-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 163 字数:  






Unit 1 Teenages
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Key to Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 2 Money
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Keyto Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 3 Computer
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Key to Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 4 Phopping
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Key to Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 5 Tocial Communication
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Key to Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 6 Family Education:Problems
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Key to Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 7 Natural Disastens
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Key to Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 8 Business Negotiation
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Key to Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 9 Fcience and Technology
I Focus of Teaching
II Teaching Notes
III Topic-Related Background Information
IV Key Words and Expressions
V Key to Exercises
VI Tapescripts
Unit 10 WTO
Unit 11 Movie Plans
Unit 12 Part-Time Job
Unit 13 AIDS
Unit 14 Advertising
Unit 15 Remembrance
Unit 16 Men and Women
Unit 17 Crime
Unit 18 Global Warming
