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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学基础医学病理生理学复习与自测(英文版)



定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 谢可鸣、王小川、钱睿哲
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
丛编项: 全国高等学校配套教材
标 签: 基础医学


ISBN: 9787117096485 出版时间: 2008-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 361 字数:  


  《全国高等学校配套教材:病理生理学复习与自测(英文版)》为全国高等学校配套教材之一,介绍IntroduCtion of Pathophysiology and ConspeCtus of disCasC,Introduction of Pathophysiology,Conspectus of Disease,Gene Mutation and Related DiseaSCs,Abnorreal Cellular Signal Transduction and Related DiSeases,Abnormality of Cellular Proliferation and Differentiation and Related Diseases等等。




Chapter 1 IntroduCtion of Pathophysiology and ConspeCtus of disCasC
Section One Introduction of Pathophysiology
Section Two Conspectus of Disease
Chapter 2 Gene Mutation and Related DiseaSCs
Chapter 3 Abnorreal Cellular Signal Transduction and Related DiSeases
Chapter 4 Abnormality of Cellular Proliferation and Differentiation and Related Diseases
Chapter 5 Abnormal Cellular Apopt0Sis and Related DiSeases
Chapter 6 Disorders of Water and EleCtrolyte Metabolism
Section One Water and Sodium Balance ond lmbolOnCc
Section Two Balance and Imbalance of Potassium,MagncJium,Calcium and Phosphorus
Chapter 7 Acid-base Balance and imbalanCc
Chaptcr 8 Hypoxia
Chapter 9 Fever
Chapter 10 Stress
Chapter 11 Coagulation-Anticoagulation BalanCe and ImbalanCe
Chapter 12 ShoCk
Chapter 13 Ischemia-Reperfusion Inj ury
Chapter 14 Tumor
Chapter 15 Heart Failure
Chapter 16 Respiratory Failure
Chapter 17 HepatiC Failure
Chapter 18 Renal Failurc
Chapter 19 Brain Dysfunction
Chapter 20 Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
