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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语现代旅游英语教程



定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 陆建平 编
出版社: 商务印书馆出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787100055826 出版时间: 2008-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32 页数: 387 pages 字数:  


  本书是一本指导涉外导游员提高英语交流和会话能力、讲求策略、重视文化差异的导游英语教材。全书由十三个主题、十四个单元组成,内容涵盖:旅游与导游、迎接宾客、去往宾馆并致欢迎辞、宾馆入住、行程安排、景点介绍、餐馆就餐、购物体验、娱乐活动、应付琐事、遭遇意外、处理投诉、送别宾客并致辞等。每一单元又分成预热问题、情景对话、实用句子、相关策略、文化差异、相关术语和练习七个部分展开。 另外,本教材的附录很具特色,所提供的内容全部为国际导游或外事接待人员所必备、须知,内容包括:全球旅游道德标准、英语导游资格证考试(现场考试)评分标准、旅游团接待计划、宾馆所用各种表格等。




Unit 1 Tourism & Tour Guides
Warm-up Questions
Situational Dialogues
In the classroom
On the campus
In the classroom
Helpful Sentences
Definitions of tourism
Classification of tour guides
Importance of tour guides' work
Qualities for being a qualified tour guide
Related Strategies
Tips for Taking the Tour Guide Qualification Examination
Cultural Differences
Tour-guide Training
Related Special Terms
Key tourism organizations & associations
Major types of tourist guides
Tour guide training/education & examination
Unit 2 Receiving Guests
Warm-up Questions
Situational Dialogues
At the airport arrival lobby
At the railway arrival platform
With individual tourists
By the coach
Helpful Sentences
Finding guests
Giving greetings
Confirming numbers of the tourists/luggage
Moving out of the airport/railway station
Offering help
Related Strategies
A Full Preparation for Meeting Tourists
Cultural Differences
Customs for Greeting People
Related Special Terms
Key tourist services/agencies in China
Types of travel
Tour guide's documentation & tools
Airport & railway station
Unit 3 En Route to the Hotel & Welcome Speech
Warm-up Questions
Situational Dialogues
A welcome speech
An outline of the welcome speech
General introduction to the city
On-the-way guiding
Hotel introduction
Helpful Sentences
Asking for attention
Introducing a person to a group
Giving welcomes
Expressing intentions to provide good service
Giving good wishes for a pleasant stay
Related Strategies
A Good First Impression
Cultural Differences
Names & Culture
Related Special Terms
Introducing the city
Introducing a hotel
Unit 4 Checking in at the Hotel
Warm-up Questions
Situational Dialogues
Group check-in with reservation
FIT check-in
Group check-in with a room change
Walk-in check-in
Helpful Sentences
Before checking-in
Registering the guest
Assigning rooms to the guests
Introducing service
Related Strategies
Check-in at a Hotel
Cultural Differences
Art of Speaking
Related Special Terms
A catalog of room types
Meal plans
Food and beverage department
Front office
Housekeeping department
Recreation department
Unit 5 Itinerary Planning
Warm-up Questions
Situational Dialogues
Discussing a two-day tour in Nanjing
Unit 6 Sightseeing Ⅰ
Unit 7 Sightseeing Ⅱ
Unit 8 Dining at Restaurants
Unit 9 Shopping Experience
Unit 10 Recreational Programs
Unit 11 Dealing with Miscellaneous Matters
Unit 12 Dealing with Emergencies
Unit 13 Handling Complaints
Unit 14 Seeing off Guests and Farewell Speeches
Answers for Reference
