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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术民间艺术中国布艺(英文版)



定 价:¥68.00

作 者: 耿默 著;严马 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中国民间工艺品丛书
标 签: 民间艺术


ISBN: 9787508512082 出版时间: 2007-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 24 页数: 101 pages 字数:  


  The cloth art of China refers to cloth handicrafts made by Chinese people using traditional cloth and threads as raw materials. These are tailored, sewn and adorn the different cloths. Cloth handicrafts come in such forms as embroidery, Gesi tapestry, hand stitching ,embroidery paste,barbola,brocade and batik.Chinese people were the first to raise sklkworms and from the cocoons they made silk thread which was used to weave silk fabrics. Yuanfei,the concubine of the Yellow Emperor,personally raised silkworms and called on all other women to do likewise. The emperor himself personally took part in tilling and popularized silkworm raising technology among the people. In this way a traditional system was introduced for the raising of silkworms.this,plus the sysem introduced some 4,000years ago for people of different social strata to wear garments with different colours and designs,prompted the fast devel-opment of the weaving and embroidering technologies in China. Using only needle and thread the Chinese quickly learned to make decorative garments. This helped to make peoples lives more colourful and satisfied the people's need for a better quality of life .this,in turn, contributed to the development of civilization in China.




Children’S Hats
Cloth Toys
The Ear Pillow
Traditional Baby Bibs
Traditional Hebao Bags
Pillow End Embroidery
Traditional Bellybands
Ethnic Embroidered Clothing
Folk Hand Stitching
