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作 者: 张达球、陈宜平 编
出版社: 化学工业出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材.上海市会展策划与设计本科教育高地会展经济与管理系列教材
标 签: 服务业英语


ISBN: 9787122020932 出版时间: 2008-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 144 pages 字数:  






Unit 1 How to Conduct a Productive Effective and Interesting Meeti
Part A Prepare a Meeting
Part B Dos and Don'ts for a Meeting
Part C How to Take Minutes--an Example
Part D Closing the Meeting and Following up
Part E Discussion and Practice
Unit 2 Get Ready for an Exhibition
Part A A Brief Introduction to What to Be Prepared
Part B Get the Ball Rolling on
Part C Event Planning Tips
Part D Tips for Bringing the Event to Life--Another Scenario
Part E Discussion and Practice
Unit 3 How to Organize a Convention
Part A Planning a Checklist
Part B An Exhibition at MECC--an Example
Part C Guide for Overseas Exhibitors
Part D Discussion and Practice
Unit 4 How to Win a Bidding.
Part A Preparation
Part B Feasibility Study
Part C Proposal Documents
Part D Discussion and Practice
Unit 5 How to Plan an Event
Part A Objectives for Different Types of Events
Part B Budgeting
Part C Initial Planning
Part D Budget Breakdown
Part E Discussion and Practice
Unit 6 How to Create Event Management Manual
Part A What Can a Management Manual Help?
Part B Corporate Event Operations Manual Checklist
 Part C Manual Design
 Part D Checklists
 Part E Discussion and Practice
Unit 7 The Event Management Process
Part A Event Management Life Cycle
Part B Proper Scheduling Benefits
Part C Corporate Events, Fund-Raisers, Special Events
Part D Create Critical Paths
Part E Discussion and Practice
Unit 8 Event Signage and Shutdown Procedure
Part A Event Signage
Part B Event Shutdown Procedure
Part C Discussion and Practice
Unit 9 Evaluation through Measurement and Analysis
Part A Evaluation Process
Part B Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Methods
Part C Cost-Benefit
Part D Discussion and Practice
Unit 10 Event Office Documentation
Part A How to File Office Documents
Part B How to Establish the Filing Systems
Part C Corporate Event Office Requirements
Part D Documentation and Risk
Part E Discussion and Practice
