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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 陶菁
出版社: 中国纺织出版社
丛编项: 经济管理高等教育十一五部委级规划教材
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787506448536 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 242 字数:  


  本书分4篇,20单元。第一篇分4单元,涉及国际贸易理论和基本概念,第二篇分4单元,涉及国际贸易环境,第三篇分6单元,涉及国际市场营销,第四篇分6单元,涉及进出口贸易实务。每单元分三部分,Part I为精读材料,配有生词表和注解;PartIl为精读习题,前三篇注重语法和词汇,第四篇注重课堂思考;Partlll为拓展练习,前三篇注重阅读理解和翻译训练,第四篇注重情景对话训练。每单元最后均有因特网阅读指引和经济学名言警句,全书最后附客观题答案和生词表。本书的学习对象是全国各大学开设的国际贸易、外贸英语专业本科层次的学生,本书同样适合各种成人教育的相关专业的学生使用,也可为外贸人员培训班和企业在岗人员培训使用。




Part one : Theories and Basic Knowledge of International Trade
Unit 1 Specification and Exehange
Unit 2 The Structure of International Trade
Unit 3 Trade and Policies
Unit 4 Global Competition and National Competitive Advantage
Part two: Environment of International Trade
Unit 5 Subsidies and International Trade
Unit 6 U.S. -CHINA Trade Conflicts
 Unit 7 Global Value Chains
Unit 8 Social Responsibility in Global Supply Chain
Part three: International Marketing
 Unit 9 The Nature of International Market
 Unit 10 The Environment of International Marketing
 Unit 11 Identifying and Choosing International Market Appropriate
 Unit 12 Export Pricing Strategies of Multinationals
 Unit 13 International Business Negotiation
 Unit 14 E-Commerce
Part four: Import & Export Practice
 Unit 15 Trade Terms
 Unit 16 The Import & Export Process
 Unit 17 International Payment
 Unit 18 International Cargo Transportation and Insurance
 Unit 19 International Contracting
 Unit 20 Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration
Appendix I Solutions
Appendix II Vocabulary
