Editors' Preface
1 General Introduction
1.1 What this four-volume work consists of:the Avikalpapraresadharani and Kamalasila's
commentary on it; the Dharmadharmatta-vibhaliga and commentaries both ancient and
modem on it
1.2 The general character of the thought presented in this work: Maitreyan Yogacra
1.3 Summary of Kamalasila's approach (which is also that of the Dharmadharmatdvibhaliga)
1.4 Defilaitions of dharma and dharmatti - that is to say, the factors or elements of phenomenal reality (chos) and reality-itself (chos nyid) -according to Kamalagila's Avikalpapravesa-dhararnianka (summary topic 7.3)
2 Introduction to the Avikalpapravesadharani and its commentary the Avikalpapravesadharranitika by Kamalasila
2.1 Who is Kamalas~ila and what significance does he have here?
2.2 The historicity of the bSam yas debate:Did Kamala~ila actually engage in a debate?
2.3 The Avikalpaprave~adhdra.ni.t~kd was written in Tibet after the writing of the Biuivandkrama
2.4 The Avikalpaprave~adhdra.ni as seen in Buddhist literature
2.5 Gradualists and suddenists both cite the A vikalpapravesadharani
2.6 The A vikalpapravesadhdrarnani' s "nonfabricating in the mind" may indicate a process of
suspension of representational thinking
2.7 Kamalalila interprets the Avikalpapravesadhdrani's "nonfabricating in the mind" (yid la byed pa) to mean "analysis of the real" (yang dag par so so brtag pa)
2.8 Overcoming the given: the yogic practice of the A vikalpapravesadharani
2.9 Meditation for the abandoning of apparent marks and the definition of "nonfabrication in
the mind" according to Kamalasila:abandoning and nonperception justified through analysis that ascertains entites' lack of inherent nature
3 Translation of the Avilalpapravesadharani
4 Seven Appendices of complete summary topics and loger excerpts from Kamalasila's commentary on the Avikalpapravesadharanitika
5 The Dharmadharmatavibhanga of Maitreya
Abstract in Chinese