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定 价:¥20.80

作 者: 李浙昆
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
丛编项: 专业英语系列教材
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787560943718 出版时间: 2008-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 183 字数:  






Part 1 Mechanisms
1.1 Machine Elements
1.2 Tolerances and Fits
1.3 Gears and Cams
1.4 Basic Concepts of Friction and Lubrication
1.5 Reading Materials:Modern Design Methods
 1.6 Reading Materials:Design for Manufacture
Part 2 Electricity and Electronics
2.1 Electric Circuit
2.2 Electric Motors
2.3 Integrated Circuit
2.4 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
2.5 ReadingMaterials:Solar Power
2.6 Reading Materials:AC Servo Motor
Part 3 Engineering Materials
3.1 Iron-Carbon Alloys
3.2 Modern Steel Making Process
3.3 Non-ferrous Alloys
3.4 Nanostructured and Nanocrystalline Metals, Metal Matrix Composites and Ceramics
3.5 Reading Materials: Plasma Surface Treatments
3.6 Reading Materials:Hardenability of Steels
Part 4 Electromechanical Control
4.1 Robot
4.2 Digital Control
4.3 Mechatronic
4.4 Water Hydraulics
 4.5 Reading Materials:Accelerometer
4.6 Reading Materials:Modeling & Simulation
Part 5 Test and Measurement
5.1 Strain
5.2 Acoustics
5.3 Vibration
5.4 Digital Signal Processing
5.5 Reading Materials:Shock Motions and Their Measurement
5.6 Reading Materials:Condition Monitoring and Maintenance
Part 6 Mechanical Design and Manufacture
 6.1 Lathes
 6.2 Design Process and Stages
 6.3 CAD/CAM
6.4 Numerical Control (NC)
6.5 Reading Materials: Machining Center
6.6 Tomorrow's Manufacturing Technologies
Part 7 Materials Processing Technology
7.1 Fundmnentals of Materials Processing Technology
7.2 Metal Casting Processes
7.3 Metal Forming Process
7.4 Rapid Prototyping Technology
7.5 Reading Materials: Metal Welding Process
7.6 Reading Materials:Semi-solid Metal Process
Part 8 Modern and New Technology
 8.1 Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Technology
8.2 Nanotechnology
8.3 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology
8.4 Superconductors and Applications
8.5 Reading Materials:Lean Manufacturing
 8.6 Reading Materials: Laser Applications 2
8.7 Reading Materials: Global Positioning System (GPS)
Reference Answers for Comprehension Exercises
