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作 者: 许修宏
出版社: 中国农业出版社
丛编项: 全国高等农林院校十一五规划教材
标 签: 科技英语


ISBN: 9787109119390 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 377 字数:  






Unit 1
Part A Liquid fuels
Part B Environmental effects of obtaining liquid fuels from biomass
Part C Biomass energy systems
Unit 2
Part A Fossil fuels
Part B Energy usage
Part C Wind power and photov01taic cells
Unit 3
Part A Baeteria in soil
Part B Fungi
Part C What controls the presence and expression of the biodegradation capability?
Unit 4
Part A Taking a closer look at agrobiodiVersity
the value of diversity and wildness
Part B The diversity of life
Part C Plant resources evaluation
Unit 5
Part A Water,agriculture and the environment
Part B Groundwater
Part C Use of water in food and agriculture
Uhit 6
Part A Major water compartment
Part B The world’S water crisis
Part C Water resourcesthe hydrologic cycle
Unit 7
Part A Dimensions of land degradation and desertification
Part B Soil erosion and soil fertility in agricultural systems
Part C Conservation tillage
Unit 8
Part A Percolation and leaching
Part B Drainage
Part C Types of water erosion and contr
Unit 9
Part A Water pollution from agriculture
Part B Water reuse
Part C Air pollutants and their effects on human health
Unit 10
Part A Methods of waste disposal
Part B Solid waste collection
Part C Sanitary landfills
Unit 11
Part A Composting and source reduction
Part B Recycling
Part C Sludge management
Unit 12
Part A Getting rid of wastesbiodegradation and bioremediation
Part B Bioremediation carried out in STPs
Part C Bioremediation of petroleum waste
Unit 13
Part A Microbes and metal contamination
Part B Bioremediation by whiterot fungi
Part C Microbial processes for recovering and upgrading petroleum
Unit 14
Part A Phytoremediation
Part B Phytoextraction using hyperaccumulator plants
Part C Phytotransformation enzymology and biochemistry
Unit 15
Part A Extra methane production from municipal anaerobic digesters
Part B No more sludge
Part C Sludge down profits up
Unit 16
Part A Sewage treatment
Part B A lowtech alternative to pollution control
Part C Air pollution control
Unit 17
Part A The nitrogen cycle
Part B The carbon cycle and energy flow
Part C Chlorinated hydrocarbons establish cycles
Unit 18
Part A The media of plant nutrition
Part B The inorganic components of plants
Part C The inorganic components of plants(continued)
Unit 19
Part A Kinetics of nutrient uptake by plant cells
Part B Induction and repression of transport system
Part C Phosphate transport
Unit 20
Part A Dream farms
Part B Sustainable development is possible
Part C Chinese ecological agriculture
