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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 曹福祥 主编
出版社: 中国林业出版社
丛编项: 大学专业英语系列丛书
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787503850110 出版时间: 2008-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 290 字数:  






Part One Seed and Seeding
 Lesson 1 Seed Development and Harvest
 Lesson 2 Seed Treatment
 Lesson 3 Seed Storage
Part Two Dendrology
 Lesson 4 Tree Identification
 Lesson 5 Chinese Chestnut and Loblolly Pine
 Lesson 6 Seed and Vegetative Propagation
 Lesson 7 Cultural Practices for Producing Longleaf Pine Seedlings in Containers
 Lesson 8 Seedling Quality Testing
Part Three Soil
 Lesson 9 Soil
 Lesson 10 Soil Physical Properties
 Lesson 11 Chemical Properties of Forest Soils-soil Acidity
 Lesson 12 Soil Erosion
Part Four Ecology
 Lesson 13 The Characters of Ecosystem
 Lesson 14 Community
 Lesson 15 Physical Environment of the Forest Ecosystem
 Lesson 16 Population Ecology
Part Five Genetics and Breeding
 Lesson 17 Early Selection in Trees
 Lesson 18 Great Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)
 Lesson 19 Qualitative Traits of Almond
 Lesson 20 Effects of Colonization Process on Genetic Diversity: Differences between Annual Plants and Tree Species
 Lesson 21 Populus: a Model Tree in Forestry
Part Six Silviculture
 Lesson 22 Stratification
 Lesson 23 Fitting Species to the Site
 Lesson 24 Tree Planting
 Lesson 25 Thinning and Its Objectives
 Lesson 26 Pruning
Part Seven Forest Management
 Lesson 27 Forest Inventory
 Lesson 28 Structure and Growth of Stands
Part Eight 3S Technology
 Lesson 29 Remote Sensing
 Lesson 30 Atmospheric Effects on Remote Sensing
 Lesson 31 Geographic Information Systems
 Lesson 32 GIS Softwares
 Lesson 33 Global Positioning System
