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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读考研英语阅读题源:泰晤土报分册



定 价:¥24.80

作 者: 江涛,孟飞 主编
出版社: 石油工业出版社
丛编项: 江涛英语
标 签: 英语阅读


ISBN: 9787502165109 出版时间: 2008-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 261 字数:  






Passage One Successful Women Put the Brakes on Social Mobility
Passage Two The Knives Are Out
Passage Three Tourism Threatens Antarctica
Passage Four Mandatory Water Meters a Step Closer
Passage Five Guns and Gangs
Passage Six Women Climb Career Ladder Faster--but Are Paid Less for Doing Same Job
Passage Seven DNA Database 'Puts Innocent under Suspicion'
Passage Eight Counting the Benefits of Flexible Packages
Passage Nine Women Must Set Their Sights Higher
Passage Ten Building a Better World
Passage One ANation Ripe for a Literary Revolution
Passage Two How We Can Liberate Every Child in the World
Passage Three Schools Get a Dressing-down for Cashing in with Costly Uniforms
Passage Four We Must Value Education for Itself, Not Just to Get a Job
Passage Five Universities Target Foreign Students
Passage Six Big Increase in Funding for Schools Does Little to Improve Performance
Passage Seven Careful Parents Cost Children's Lives
Passage Eight Parents Will Move or Lie to Get a Good School
Passage Nine Boarding Helps Children Escape Pushy Families, Claims Top Head
Passage Ten "Foster Boarding" Gives Deprived Children Best Chance to Excel
Passage One Mexico and Indonesia Will Overtake British Economy
Passage Two IMF to Call Talks on Global Strains
Passage Three Beware the Financial Hurricane Season
Passage Four How Market Towns Will Be Saved by the Internet
Passage Five US Imbalances Tip towards a Soft Landing
Passage Six Goldilocks Economy Could Foil the Bears
Passage Seven Comfort at an Economy Price
Passage Eight We Should Appreciate Financial Engineering
Passage Nine Investors'Confidence Slumps as Growth Grinds to a Halt in Japan
Passage Ten Exports Pick up the Slack in me US Economy
Passage One A Real Invisibility Cloak?Wizard!
Passage Two Water Has Been Flowingon Marswithin Past Five Years,Nasa Says
Passage Three DNA Tests Find a World of Variety
Passage Four Space Probe Suggests Einstein Was Spot on,Relafively
Passage Five Breakthrough in Search for Baldness Cure
Passage Six
Passage Six How Red Wine 'Magic Ingredient' Aims to Beat Diseases of Ageing
Passage Seven Cheap Gene Scans Raise Spectre of "the Worried Well".
Passage Eight Junk Medicine: Acne Treatment
Passage Nine Stem Cell "Insurance Scheme" Exploits Families, Say Scientists
Passage Ten Obesity: The Big Fat Lie?
