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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语老外学汉语美国大学生看中国(英文版)



定 价:¥80.00

作 者: (美)唐文方
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 老外


ISBN: 9787508512044 出版时间: 2007-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 147 字数:  


  “Pitt in China” is a summer-vacation teaching program in China of the University of Pittsburgh. The essays collected in this volume reflect "Pitt in China" participants'original and fresh impressions of China.The essays cover a wide range of topics with special perspectives, including political system, social and economic conditions and family life, which will be of great interest to the readers.




Editor's Preface \Wenfang Tang 1
Bargaining in China \ Marwa B. Abulhasan 6
Chinese Nationalism \Michelle Jose lO
Little Emperors and Empresses \Norah Krakosky 13
Traditional Chinese Medicine \ Norah Krakosky 15
Three Families of Beijing \Norah Krakosky 18
Balancing the Body's Yin and Yang \ Lynn Marsico 24
People Watching at Weiming Lake, Peking University \ Lynn Marsico 27
Close Encounters of the Monk Kind \ Julie Moreau 32
Women in China \ Laura Pahncr 36
If Big Buddha Lady Can, So Can You \ Clare Sierawski 39
Rare Treasure \ Clare Sierawski 43
A Little More Time \ Glenn Sparico 47
One Night in Pingyao \Glenn Sparico 49
The No-Diaper System \Christina Arenth 53
Martial Arts and Ballroom Dancing in Modern China \ Erika Bekeny 57
An ABC in Beijing \ Alex Cheng 61
Tourism English \ Joan Kelly 64
The New Revolution in China \ Amiena Mahsoob 67
Bullet Train \ Matthew Mazonkey 75
The Kindness of a Stranger \ Jessica Robinson 79
Jacket: The Fading Art of Buying and Selling in China \ Ron Sivilo 82
An Unexpectedly Friendly Face \ Lisa Bachman 87
Panjiayuan's Work Ethic \ Pieter J. Dolmans 92
Linguistic Imperialism in China? \ Brian Greenert 94
An Unexpected ,Journey \ Asia Jordan 98
China under Communism: Confronting the Expectations of a Westerner \ Pedja Jurisic lO2
Impressions of a Chinese Hospital \ Rebecca Mrljak lO5
Cultural Relativism in China: A Chinese Perspective to International Affairs \ Bernard Villaquiran 108
A Personal Transformation at the Hands of China \ Wellington Wu 111
Tibetan Cultural Survival and the Controversy of Modernization \ Tanya Keenan 116
The Natives Are Restless \ Mary Phillips 130
Modernization of the Status and Opportunities for Women in Tibet \ Abbie Shoemaker 135
China's Overlooked Achievement \ Kristyn Stewart 142
