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定 价:¥22.00

作 者: (美)白安竹
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 英语


ISBN: 9787544606233 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 95 字数:  




  Andrew E. Bennett has been involved in English education since1993, both as a teacher and a writer. He is the author of morethan 30 English learning books. His work includes classroomtexts, supplementary materials, testing materials, and self-study materials.


Unit 1 Jay Chou
Unit 2 Lucy at the Library
Unit 3 Photo Fun
Unit 4 New Friends
Unit 5 Daily Routine
Unit 6 Good Hygiene
Unit 7 Sports Cards
Unit 8 Lukang
Unit 9 Central Springfield
Unit 10 Plastic Bags
Unit 11 Dolphins
Unit 12 A Hard but Happy Life
Unit 13 A Taste of Italy
Unit 14 Fads
Unit 15 Intemet Chatroom
Unit 16 Making Chinese Tea
Unit 17 Gift Palace
Unit 18 Clubs
Unit 19 Ramadan
Unit 20 Learning English Is Fun -
Unit 21 Apartments for Rent
Unit 22 Jackie Chan
Unit 23 E-mail
Unit 24 Hurried Howard
Unit 25 Clothes Shopping
Unit 26 Shinkansen
Unit 27 Making Rain
Unit 28 Short Message
Unit 29 Birthday Party
Unit 30 Weekend Plans
Unit 31 Seoul
Unit 32 Website
Unit 33 Renting Comic Books
Unit 34 Antiques
Unit 35 Helping at the Family Business
Unit 36 Telephone Message
Unit 37 The Culture of Spain: Siestas
Unit 38 Profile of an Art Student
Unit 39 Traveling to Mexico City
Unit 40 Tai Chi
Word List
Phrase List
Answer Key
