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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新视野大学英语:读写教程(教师用书2 第2版)

新视野大学英语:读写教程(教师用书2 第2版)

新视野大学英语:读写教程(教师用书2 第2版)

定 价:¥27.90

作 者: 周国强
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材
标 签: 新视野英语


ISBN: 9787560073019 出版时间: 2008-03-01 包装: 其他
开本: 16 页数: 267 字数:  


  《新视野大学英语》是新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2的教师用书。提供读写教程的背景知识、课文难句理解、重点难点词汇讲解、结构分析、练习答案等。供教师参考使用。 在第一版基础上加强了对课文语言点的分析。课文详解(Detailed Study of the Text)部分包括难句解释、语法要点和重要句型说明、词语及短语讲解和例证、相关文化背景介绍等,阅读技能(Reading Skills)部分提供了相关教学建议。修订后的教师用书重点和难点更加突出,针对性更强,便于教师开展课堂教学。


暂缺《新视野大学英语:读写教程(教师用书2 第2版)》作者简介


Unit 1
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 2
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 3
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 4
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 5
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 6
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 7
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 8
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 9
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
Unit 10
Part Ⅰ Understanding and Learning
Section A
Section B
Part Ⅱ Key to Exercises
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Translation
