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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术水利工程水电水利工程施工测量规范DL/T 51732003(英文版)

水电水利工程施工测量规范DL/T 51732003(英文版)

水电水利工程施工测量规范DL/T 51732003(英文版)

定 价:¥55.00

作 者: 中华人民共和国国家经济贸易委员会 分布
出版社: 中国电力出版社
标 签: 水利工程施工


ISBN: 9787508367859 出版时间: 2008-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 136 字数:  


  本书为水电水利工程施工测量规范(DL/T 5173-2003)(英文版)本标准规定了水电水利工程施工测量的基本内容与技术标准,适用于中型及中型以上水电水利工程的施工测量工作。本标准适合水电水利工程施工测量人员。


暂缺《水电水利工程施工测量规范DL/T 51732003(英文版)》作者简介


1 Scope
2 Normative Reference
3 General
4 Terms and Definition
5 Plane Control Survey
 5.1 General rules
 5.2 Technical design
 5.3 Point selection, embedment and survey marks of plane control network
 5.4 Horizontal angle observation
 5.5 Electro-optical distance survey
 5.6 Global positioning system (GPS) survey
 5.7 Result check and adjustment calculation
 5.8 Maintenance and management of plane control network
6 Elevation Control Survey
 6.1 General rules
 6.2 Technical requirements for leveling survey
 6.3 Trigonometric traverse leveling with electro-optical ranging
 6.4 River-crossing trigonometric leveling with electro-optical ranging..
 6.5 Fieldwork result processing and adjustment calculation
7 Topographic Survey
 7.1 General rules
 7.2 Mapping base control survey
 7.3 Requirements for topographic map surveying and mapping
 7.4 Digitized mapping
 7.5 Underwater topographic survey
8 Preparation of Setting-out Survey
 8.1 General rules
 8.2 Survey data collection and setting-out plan preparation
 8.3 Setting-out data processing
 8.4 Selection of setting-out methods and setting-out station
 8.5 Inspection of instrument and survey apparatus
9 Excavation, Filling and Concrete Construction Survey
 9.1 General rules
 9.2 Excavation survey
 9.3 Survey of filling and concrete construction
 9.4 Setting-out point checking
 9.5 Section survey and construction quantity calculation
 9.6 Data processing
10 Metal Structure and Electro-mechanical Equipment Installation Survey
 10.1 General rules
 10.2 Survey and mapping of specific installation control network,installation axis point and elevation basic point
 10.3 Setting out of installation points
10.4 Check of installation setting-out points
 10.5 Data processing
11 Underground Works Survey
 11.1 General rules
 11.2 Control survey outside tunnel
 11.3 Control survey inside tunnel
 11.4 Construction setting out and section survey
 11.5 Data processing
12 Dredging Works, Canal and Dyke Survey
 12.1 Dredging works survey
 12.2 Canal and dyke survey
 12.3 Data processing
13 Ancillary Works Survey
 13.1 General rules
 13.2 Survey of screening, mixing and belt conveyor feeding systems ~
 13.3 Survey of cable-crane, tower-crane and bridge-crane
 13.4 Cofferdam and embankment dyke construction survey
 13.5 Data processing
14 Deformation Monitoring During Construction Period
 14.1 General rules
 14.2 Point selection and embedment
 14.3 Horizontal displacement observation
 14.4 Vertical displacement observation
 14.5 Calculation and data processing
15 Construction Completion Survey
 15.1 General rules
 15.2 Earth-rock excavation and filling works
 15.3 Concrete works
 15.4 Metal structure and electro-mechanical equipment installation works
 15.5 Data processing
16 Data Compilation
