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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语铁路警务英语



定 价:¥22.00

作 者: 铁路公安特色教材编委会 编
出版社: 中国人民公安大学出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787811390575 出版时间: 2008-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 342 字数:  






Unit 1. Greetings and Partings
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text : Crossing Cultural Divides with Grace
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 2. Introductions
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text: Traveling under the Channel in the Eurostar Train
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 3. Thanks and Apologies
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text: A Journey by Train: Making Tracks in Europe
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 4. Police in China
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text: The Public Security Agencies of China
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 5. Showing Ways and Directions
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text: Beijing West Railway Station
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 6. Security Check
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Tart 2. Text: Airport Security Spurs New Interest in Sensors
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 7. Service on the Train
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text: Railway Passenger Terminals
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 8. Patrol and Inquiry
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text: Police on Bicycles
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 9. Lost and Found
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text: A Drug Traffic Case
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 10. Accepting a Case Reporting
 Part 1. Dialogues
 Part 2. Text: Take the Profit out of Crime
 Part 3. Exercises
Unit 11. Handling Cases of Public Security
 Part 1. Dialogues
Unit 12.Investigation at the Scene
Unit 13.Arresting Suspect
Unit 14.Case Interrogation
Unit 15.Punishment
Unit 16.Accidents on Railway
Unit 17.First Aid
Unit 18.Anti-terrorism
Appendix 1.Glossary
Appendix 2.Supplementary Reading
Appendix 3.Permanent Departments of the MPS of the PRC
Appendix 4.Ranks of Police Officers
Appendix 5.Frequently-used Rules&Regulations
Appendix 6.Division of Crimes
