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定 价:¥16.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 中学英语拓展阅读丛书
标 签: 各方向


ISBN: 9787544606349 出版时间: 2008-04-01 包装: 其他
开本: 16 页数: 65 字数:  


  你听说过环境建筑学吗?你知道转基因技术基于怎样的原理吗?我们每天点击的互联网是在哪种巧合下诞生的?欧洲中世纪城堡中一天的生活是怎样的?中国古代的造纸术分哪几个步骤?你一定想知道这些问题的答案吧。翻开这套“中学英语拓展阅读丛书”,你就走进了一个五彩斑斓的奇妙世界。该丛书由外教社从美国著名出版机构麦格劳-希尔(McGraw Hill)公司引进,语言地道,知识面广,信息量大,是一套既注重培养学生英语阅读能力,又致力开阔他们视野的拓展型丛书。整套书编写理念先进,编排设计科学,难度逐级递升,既适合外国语学校及外语特色学校初二至高三年级的学生使用,也适合普通中学同等水平的学生使用。我们期盼你在趣味盎然的阅读环境中培养阅读能力,邀游知识天地,学习地道英语。




1A Latitude, Longitude, and the Prime Meridian
1B Finding Position Using the Sextant and Chronometer
2A Starting a Christmas Tree Farm
2B Math for Growing Corn
3A Math in the Kitchen: How to Scale a Recipe Up or Down
3B Cooking Around the World: Metric Measurements
4A The Math of Human Resources
4B Betting on the Best Health Plan
5A Saving with Compound Interest
5B The Rule of 72
6A Supply and Demand at the Window Factory
6B The Craftsman House
7A Olympic Scoring Systems
7B Scoring in the Heptathlon
8A Lewis Carroll's Games
8B Mathematical Puzzles
9A Comparing Temperatures in Different Climates
9B How to Read a Natural Gas Bill
10A What Is Geometry?
10B Pauline Sperry
11A Calculating Probability
11B The Positive and Negative Numbers Game
12A Symmetry in Art
12B Pablo Picasso: Pioneer of Cubism
13A Life Expectancy
13B Social Security and Life Expectancy
14A Rhythm Patterns in Thai Classical Music
14B The Geometry of the Chula Kite
15A Worldwide Oil Reserves: Produce More or Conserve?
15B The Energy Crisis of the 1970s
Answer Key
Reading Rate
Comprehension Score
Comprehension Skills Profile
