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作 者: 麦绍文,区咏莹
出版社: 华南理工大学出版社
标 签: 计算机英语


ISBN: 9787562327493 出版时间: 2008-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 286 字数:  






Chapter I Introductions, Concepts and Principles
Lesson 1 Introduction to the Digital Computer
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
1.1 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integration and Computer)
1.2 The Digital Computer
1.3 The Career of Information Technology Graduates
Lesson 2 Hardware Elements of the Digital Computer
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
2.1 CPU
2.2 Comparison Between Two Sections of Memory
2.3 Magnetic Disks and Optical Disks, Also Flash Memory
2.4 Input/Output
2.5 CD and CD-ROM
2.6 Bus
Lesson 3 Programming Language
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
3.1 Assembly Language and the Process of Instruction Execution
3.2 Visual Studio--A Suite of Object-oriented Languages
3.3 C as a Structured Language
3.4 What is Visual Basic Language?
3.5 What is JScript?
Lesson 4 Writing a Program
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
4.1 Difficulties of Writing Programs
4.2 Introduction of Microsoft Certification Program
Lesson 5 Image Processing and Graphic Hardware, Software
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
5.1 Graphics Tutoring Language Logo
5.2 Digital Image Processing
5.3 Photoshop
Lesson 6 Multimedia Technology
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
6.1 What Can AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0 Do?
6.2 3ds Max
6.3 Introduction to MIDI
6.4 GDI and DireetX
Lesson 7 Database System
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
7.1 Database Access in Microsoft Office
7.2 The Origination and Outlook of Relational Database
7.3 Visual Forpro 6.0
7.4 Oracle's New Add-on Software
Lesson 8 Data Structure and Algorithm
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
8.1 The Algorithm of Binary Search
8.2 Multilevel Feedback Queue
8.3 Applications of Stack
8.4 How CICS Supports Web Services (Algorithms Related to Data Structure)
Lesson 9 Nature of Operating System
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
9.1 Function of Operating System
9.2 Human-Computer Interaction
9.3 What is Linux7
Lesson 10 Windows Vista vs.Windows XP
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
10.1 Introduction to Windows XP
10.2 Can Linux Become an Alternative to Windows on Desktop
Lesson 11 Software Engineering
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
11.1 Software Design Fundamentals
11.2 Rapid Application Development (RAD)
Lesson 12 Computer Network
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
12.1 Network Protocols
12.2 The 7 Layers of the OSI Model
12.3 Characteristics of Clients and Servers
12.4 Definition of a Fat (or Thin) Server and Client
12.5 Bluetooth
Lesson 13 Internet
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
13.1 Web Switches
13.2 AJAX: A Quicker Way to Freshen Your Web Pages
13.3 What's an Internet
Lesson 14 Computer Security--about Information
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
14.1 Privacy Policy of ITtoolbox
14.2 Computer Security and Data Protection
14.3 Encryption
Lesson 15 Hackers and Computer Virus
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
15.1 Hackers Story
15.2 Hackers Attack Using Login Theft Method
15.3 Various Types of Virus
15.4 Spyware, Adware and Rascal Software
Lesson 16 Enterprise Resource Planning
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
16.1 Benefits and Drawbacks of ERP
16.2 SAP and SAP R/3
Lesson 17 Top Technologies and Concepts
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
17.1 Data Warehouse
17.2 Data Mining
17.3 Component-Based Development--A Revolution in Application Development
17.4 Intelligent Robots
17.5 Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2008
Chapter 2 Product, Operating Instruction and How to...
Lesson 18 Sound Blaster Card
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
18.1 Operation Instruction for Laser Printer
18.2 Monitor ( Technical Parameter)
18.3 Cool Edit Pro Overview
Lesson 19 Screen of Microsoft Word
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
19.1 Word 2007 vs.Word 2003 (1)
19.2 Word 2007 vs.Word 2003 (2)
19.3 Release Notes of Word 2007 (Excerpt)
Lesson 20 Editing Text
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
20.1 Using the Office Assistant
20.2 View Options in Word
203 HOW to Determine an lP Address
204 Installation--Notice to Users
Chapter 3 Notes and Messages
Lesson 21 Programming Errors
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Tlext
Reading Materials
211 Language C Programming Error Messages(Excerpt)
212 Reporting a Warning
213 Important Notice about IE 7
Chapter 4 News,Questions and Answers,Jokes
Lesson 22 News about Computer
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
221 If Linux@was Hot a Year AgoToday It's on Fire
222 Researchers Ping Through First Full’Intemet Census’in 25 Years
Lesson 23 Questions and Answers
Words and Phrases
Notes to the Text
Reading Materials
231 EndNote 5 Added to Word 2007
232 Windows Vista Installation
233 Difference Between Desktop OS and Network OS
234 Concept and Effects of Data Modification or Data Damage
235 Why a Login be Delayed?
236 What is IP?
Lesson 24 Jokes and Humor Story(for Reference)
附录A 计算机专业词汇表
附录B 一般词汇表
附录C 书中表达与翻译技巧汇总
附录D 综合练习
附录E 课后练习参考答案
