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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新编实用英语综合教程1(辽宁版)



定 价:¥22.50

作 者: 刘然
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787040241495 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16 页数: 185 字数:  






1 Greeting and Introducing People
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ The Way Americans Greet
Passage Ⅱ A Little About Me
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for PRETCO
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Different Attitudes Towards Gift-Giving
Passage Ⅱ Thank-You Notes Are Heart-Warming
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for PRETCO
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
3 Directions and Signs
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅱ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ I Hate Flying
Passage Ⅱ Id Been Treated Like a Friend in Need
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for PRETCO
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
4 Timetables and Schedules
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Punctuality and Keeping Promises
Passage Ⅱ Begin Each Day with a Fresh Plan of Attack
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for PRETCO
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
5 Talking About the Weather
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Is It Going to Be a Fine Day
Passage Ⅱ British People Like Talking About the Weather
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for PRETCO
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
6 Sport Events and Outdoor Activities
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ The Triathlons Great Attraction
Passage Ⅱ Foreigners Also Love Chinese Martial Arts
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for PRETCO
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
7 Celebrating Holidays and Making Friends
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being AllEars
Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Thanksgiving Day and Christmas
Passage Ⅱ When I Was in America
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for PRETCO
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
8 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ A Guide to Health for Tourists
Passage Ⅱ The Loving Heart Will Go On
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for PRETCO
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
