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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语计算机专业英语教程(第4版)



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 金志权、张幸儿 编
出版社: 电子工业出版社
丛编项: 高等学校专业英语教材
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787121056468 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 445 字数:  






Unit 1 Hardware Ⅰ
 1.1 A Closer Look at the Processor and Primary Storage
 1.2 Bus Interconnection
 1.3 Integrated Circuit--Moore's Law
 1.4 Multicore Processors
 1.5 CISC and RISC
 1.6 Computer Architectures
Unit 2 Hardware Ⅱ
 2.1 Optical Storage Media: High-Density Storage
  2.1.1 Optical Laser Disks
  2.1.2 DVDs
 2.2 Display devices, Smart cards
  2.2.1 Display devices
  2.2.2 Smart card--another type of storage system
 2.3 RAID Technology
 2.4 The External Interface: USB and FireWire
  2.4.1 USB--Universal Serial Bus
  2.4.2 FireWire Serial Bus
Unit 3 Programming
 3.1 C++ and Object-Oriented Programming
 3.2 JavaScript Tutorial
 3.3 Introduction to Java
 3.4 Advanced Visual C++ Features
 3.5 Characteristics of Web Programming Languages
 3.6 Parallelism and Compiler
 3.7 Programmable Multifunction Timers
Unit 4 Operating System
 4.1 Summary of OS
 4.2 Using The Windows Operating System
 4.3 Window Managers
 4.4 Myths of UNIX
 4.5 Using Linux in Embedded and Real-time Systems
Unit 5 Computer Networks
 5.1 Internet
 5.2 Type of Connection
 5.3 Extending Your Markup:An XML Tutorial
 5.4 Network Protocols
  5.4.1 Protocol Hierarchies (Reading Material)
  5.4.2 WAP--The Wireless Application Protocol
 5.5 Web 2.0, Internet2
  5.5.1 Web 2.0
5.5.2 Internet2
Unit 6 Network Communication
6.1 Two approaches to network communication
6.2 Carrier frequencies and multiplexing
6.3 Wavelength division multiplexing:Ultra high speed fiber optics
6.4 Gigabit ethernet: from 100 to 1 000 mbps
6.5 Wireless network
Unit 7 Database
7.1 An overview of a database system
 7.2 Introduction to SQL
 7.3 Object-Oriented Database Management Systems
 7.4 Object-relational Database
 7.5 Data Warehouse
  7.5.1 Data Warehouse
  7.5.2 What is Data Mining?
 7.6 Universal Data Access (UDA) Overview
Unit 8 Multimedia
 8.1 Introduction
  8.1.1 Main Properties of a Multimedia System
  8.1.2 Multimedia
 8.2 Audio
  8.2.1 Computer Representation of Sound
  8.2.2 Audio Formats
  8.2.3 MP3 Compression
 8.3 Video
  8.3.1 Video Compression
  8.3.2 MP4
 8.4 Synchronization
 8.5 An Introduction to Desktop Confereneing (Reading Material)
Unit 9 Artificial Intelligence
 9.1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence
 9.2 About Expert System
 9.3 Introduction to Game AI
 9.4 Computer Recognition of Speech
 9.5 Neural Networks
 9.6 Industrial Robotics (Reading Material)
Unit 10 Data Structure and Algorithms
 10.1 Abstract Data Types and Algorithms
 10.2 Heterogeneous Linked Lists
 10.3 Block Sorting Algorithms:Parallel and Distributed Algorithm
 10.4 Divide-and-Conquer
 10.5 NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems (Reading Material) ;
Unit 11 Fundamentals of the Computing Sciences
 11.1 Predicates
 11.2 Basic Concepts of Modern Algebra
  11.2.1 Partially Ordered Sets (Posets)
  11.2.2 Semigroups and Groups
 11.3 Languages and Grammars
 11.4 Finite-State Machines
 11.5 Turing Machines
Unit 12 Computer Applications Ⅰ
Unit 13 Computer Applications Ⅱ
Unit 14 Software Development
Unit 15 Network Security
Unit 16 Some Compllter Systems
