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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 柯淑萍、孙培
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
丛编项: 高职高专规划教材
标 签: 高职高专英语


ISBN: 9787308058636 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 194 字数:  


  我们根据多年从事饭店英语教学的积累编写了《饭店英语听说教程》一书,以听力和口语训练为主线,帮助读者充分掌握酒店业的实用英语。该书共分成九大部分:Part l Hospitality Industry ABCs(酒店业须知)Part 2 The Front Office(前厅)Part 3 Housekeeping(客房服务)Part 4 Food and Beverage(餐饮)Part 5 At the Recreation Center(在康乐中心)Part 6 At the Shopping Arcade(在商场)Part 7 Conventions(会议)Part 8 Marketing and Sales(市场营销)Part 9 Complaints(投诉)每个Part下面包含本章导读及若干个Unit,每个Unit下面由四大块组成,分别为Listening and Discussion,Pronunciation,Role Play,Word Stock。Listening and Discussion(听力与讨论):听力的材料由两块组成,两块听力材料都与本Unit的主题密切相关,形式相对自如,既有篇章的形式,又有对话的形式,练习中采用了填空、补全对话、听写、判断等多种形式。Discussion的话题也与本Unit的主题相关,与下一个环节起到承上启下的作用。Listening and Discussion部分是全书的重点,把听与说的内容有机地融合在一起。Pronunciation(语音训练):该部分实际为该Unit可能会出现的有用句型与必学句型,突出语音语调的训练,为下一个环节Role Play(角色表演)做准备。这个部分较之以往的饭店英语教程中的对话训练有一个突出的特点,那就是灵活。以往的对话训练把学生的思维模式都给框死了,对话背得滚瓜烂熟依然无法在实际操作中得以应用。该部分所有的句型都是灵活的,在不同的场合有不同的应对,而且强调发音的准确性与流利性。Role Play(角色表演):每个Unit在进行了听力与讨论及语音训练之后进入到第三个环节,就是角色表演环节,也就是语言的运用环节,教师给出与本Unit相关的提示与要求,学生做现场表演。Word Stock(词汇库):该环节是对该Unit的一次整理和补充,把与该Unit相关的词汇全部罗列出来,扩大学生的词汇量和知识点。该教程最大的特点是进行整体化教学,教学过程层层推进,听说有机地融合在一起,改变了以往饭店英语教程死板的对话模式,操作性强,教学过程灵活生动,注重语言的实际应用能力。




Part 1 Hospitality Industry ABCs (酒店业须知)
Unit 1Hotel Types
Unit 2What Is Service?
Unit 3Different Guests
Unit 4The Future of Hotels
Part 2The Front Office (前厅)
Unit 1Room Reservations
Unit 2Check In
Unit 3The Bellman
Unit 4The Concierge
Unit 5The Operator
Unit 6The Cashier
Unit 7The Business Center
Part 3Housekeeping (客户服务)
Unit 1Facilities: Enjoying Your Stay
Unit 2The Executive Floors
Unit 3The Chamber Services
Unit 4The Laundry Services
Unit 5Other Services
Part 4Food and Beverage (餐饮)
Unit 1Reservations
Unit 2Receiving Diners
Unit 3At a Chinese Restaurant
Unit 4At a Western Restaurant
Unit 5Breakfast
Unit 6 At the Bar
Unit7At a Banquet
Unit 8Eating Habits
Part 5At the Recreation Center (在康乐中心)
Unit 1At the Gym
Unit2At the Sauna
Unit 3At the Swimming Pool
Unit 4At the Massage Center
Part 6 At the Shopping Arcade (在商场)
Unit 1Buying Souvenirs
Unit 2Buying Silk Products
Unit 3Buying Tea
Unit 4Buying Arts and Crafts
Part 7Conventions (会议)
Unit 1Booking a Meeting
Unit 2Inspecting Convention Site
Unit 3Convention Registration
Unit 4Arranging Catering for the Group
Unit 5Post-conference Tour
Part 8Marketing and Sales (市场营销)
Unit 1Advertising
Unit 2 Negotiating
Unit 3Signing the Contract
Part 9Complaints (投诉)
Unit 1Dealing with Complaints
Unit 2Difficult Customers
Appendix (附录)
Appendix ITapescripts (原文)
Appendix II Keys (参考答案)
Appendix IIIElementary English for Hotel Staff and Management
Appendix IV Useful Words and Expressions for Hotel Services
Appendix V Menus of Famous Hangzhou Dishes (杭州著名菜肴)
Appendix VIBibliography (参考书目)
