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作 者: 张文、韩常慧 编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 高职高专行业英语系列教材
标 签: 财经类


ISBN: 9787560075457 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 204 字数:  






Unit 1 Reservations
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Duties ofaReservationist
 Part III Further Reading: A New Way of Hotel Reservation
Unit 2 Reception
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: How to Be a Qualified Front Desk Staff
 Part III Further Reading: Types of the Front Desk Staff in Hotels
Unit 3 Concierge's Work
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Introduction of Concierge's Work
 Part III Further Reading: Cultural Differences
Unit 4 Housekeeping (I)
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Duties and Responsibilities of Housekeeping Staff
 Part III Further Reading: Legal Obligations of the Housekeeping Department in America
Unit 5 Housekeeping (II)
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Duties of the Housekeeping Department
 Part III Further Reading: Room Service Procedure
Unit 6 Maintenance
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Responsibility of the Engineering Department
 Part III Further Reading: Various Calls to the Engineering Department
Unit 7 good & Beverage (I)
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Job Categories and Responsibilities in the F&B Service
 Part III Further Reading: Greeting and Seating
Unit 8 Food & Beverage (11)
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Possible Restaurant Problems
 Part III Further Reading: Service of Red Wines
Unit 9 Handling Complaints
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading;: Handling Complaints (I)
 Part III Further Reading: Handling Complaints (II)
Unit 10 Sales Department
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: How Sales Department Functions
 Part III Further Reading: Hospitality Sales Distribution and Promotion
Unit 11 At the Business Center
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: History of the Business Center
 Part III Further Reading: Electronic Business Center in Coral Gables,Fla., Hotel
Unit 12 At the Recreation Center
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Fitness Center Services in the Marquette Hotel
 Part III Further Reading: The Recreation Hotel
Unit 13 At the Beauty Parlor
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Welcome to Trends Beauty Parlor
 Part III Further Reading: Beauty Tips
Unit 14 At the Shopping Arcade
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Shopping in Honolulu's Hot Spot
 Part III Further Reading: Caesars Palace
Unit 15 Checkout
 Part I Dialogues
 Part II Reading: Hotel Chains Try Self-Serve Kiosks for Check-in and Checkout
 Part III Further Reading: A Rethink for Hotel Checkout Times
