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定 价:¥18.90

作 者: 宁毅 编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 高职高专英语专业系列教材
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787560073248 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 165 字数:  






Unit 1 College Education
Passage A The Value of a College Education
Passage B Another Education in University
Reading Skills Skimming
Supplementary Reading Universities and Their Function
Unit 2 Happiness
Passage A Happiness Index
Passage B Who Are the Happiest People?
Reading Skills Scanning
Supplementary Reading Black Beauty (Excerpt)
Unit 3 Sources of Beauty
Passage A Is This Seat Taken?
Passage B Reach for the Light
Reading Skills Guessing the Unknown Words from Context
Supplementary Reading The Old Man and the Sea (Excerpt)
Unit 4 Build up Blogs
Passage A Tips on Writing Content for Your Blog
Passage B Comments? Comments... Comments!
Reading Skills Guessing the Unknown Words from Word-building
Supplementary Reading Ten Things I've Learned about Blogging
Unit 5 Kids and Family
Passage A The Ring
Passage B Driving Lesson
Reading Skills Recognizing Words That Connect Ideas
Supplementary Reading King Grisly-Beard (Excerpt)
Comprehensive Practice I
Unit 6 Touch of Life
Passage A Everyday Is a Gift
Passage B Letting Go of Yesterday
Reading Skills Getting Ideas Sorted out by Critical Thinking
Supplementary Reading Detour to Romance
Unit 7 Friendship
Passage A In Praise of Best Friends
Passage B A Friend Is
Reading Skills Searching for the Main Idea
Supplementary Reading Encounters with Manners (Excerpt)
Unit 8 Biography
Passage A Benjamin Franklin's Memoirs (Excerpt)
Passage B Bill Gates in His Boyhood
Reading Skills Understanding References and Making Inferences
Supplementary Reading The Master of Investment: Warren Buffett
Unit 9 Sports
Passage A Coming a Long Way, in More Ways than One
Passage B The Football Game
Reading Skills Recognizing Patterns
Supplementary Reading Around the World in Eighty Days (Excerpt)
Unit 10 Health
Passage A A Simple Guide to Eating out Without Putting on Weight
Passage B Vitamin Supplements——A Pill Is Not Always the Answer
Reading Skills Distinguishing Facts from Opinions
Supplementary Reading Caught in the Web of the Internet
Comprehensive Practice II
Key to Exercises
