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作 者: 徐晓冬 编
出版社: 化学工业出版社
丛编项: 高职高专"十一五"规划教材
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787122025173 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 95 字数:  






Table of Contents
Unit 1Going Close to Ecommerce1
 Ecommerce—It’s More Than Buying and Selling1
 The Interdisciplinary Nature of Ecommerce2
 The Partnership Between the Internet and Business2Unit 2A Brief History of ECommerce and EDI Standard7
 Brief History of Ecommerce7
 EDI Standard8
 Problems Among the Traditional Information Interchange8
 Can EDI Solve the Problems?9
 How does EDI Work?10
 The Benefits of EDI11Unit 3Typical Business Models in Doing Ecommerce17
 Ecommerce Models17
 B2C:BusinesstoConsumer17
 B2B:BusinesstoBusiness18
 C2C:ConsumertoConsumer18
 G2C:GovernmenttoConsumer18
 Online Auctions18Unit 4Ecommerce Success Stories23
 eBayThe World’s Largest Auction Site23
 Why Can eBay Get Success?25Unit 5The Internet and the World Wide Web31
 The Internet31
 The World Wide Web32
 Differences Between the Internet and World Wide Web32
 The Web and Ecommerce33Unit 6Buying Online39
 Buying Online39
 Finding the Good Life on the Internet40
 Making the Purchase40Unit 7Doing Business on the Web47
 Presale47
 Taking the Order48
 Delivering the Products48
 Postsale49Unit 8Digital Advertising55
 Listing Your Products on Your Website55
 Banner Advertising56
 Promoting Your Site58Unit 9Email Application in Ecommerce65
 How to Writting an Email65
 Inquiry and Quotation66
 Putting a Purchase Order66
 Making Complaints66Unit 10Global Ecommerce71
 Doing Business Anywhere,Anytime71
 Lowering Geographic Barrier71
 Asynchronous Worldwide Activities72
 Online International Business Information72Unit 11Creating your Web Site79
 Your Electronic Commerce Web Site79
 Making Your Web Debut79
 Components of a Web Site80
 Website Features82Unit 12The Future of Ecommerce89
 Ecommerce—the Present89
 Ecommerce—the Future90Reference96
