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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语实用商务英语写作



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 安然,孙继红 编著
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787118057072 出版时间: 2008-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 282 字数:  






Chapter One An Introduction to Business Writing
1.1 An Overview of Business Writing
1.2 Criteria for Effective Business Writing
1.2.1 Consideration
1.2.2 Clarity
1.2.3 Conciseness
1.2.4 Concreteness
1.2.5 Correctness
1.2.6 Completeness
1.2.7 Courtesy
1.3 Construction of Effective Sentences and Paragraphs
1.3.1 Construction of Effective Sentences
1.3.2 Construction of Effective Paragraph
Chapter Two English Writing of Employment
Section One Business Writing
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Professional Resumes
2.2.1 Introduction to Professional Resumes
2.2.2 Structure of a Resume
2.2.3 Format
2.2.4 Sample Resumes
2.3 Cover Letters
2.3.1 What is a Cover Letter?
2.3.2 Structure
2.3.3 Format
2.3.4 Sample Cover Letters
2.4 Thank You Letters
2.4.1 About Thank You Letter
2.4.2 Samples of Thank You Letters
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
Chapter Three Office Daily Routines
Section One Business Writing
3.1 Introduction
3.2 General information and Samples of Office Daily Routines
3.2.1 Memos
3.2.2 Schedules
3.2.3 Notices and Posters
3.2.4 Certificates
3.2.5 Letters of Introduction
3.2.6 Notes and Bills
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
Chapter Four Business Reports
Section One Business Writing
4.1 What is a Business Report?
4.2 Steps of Writing a Business Report
4.2.1 Determine the Scope of the Report
4.2.2 Determine the Scope of the Report
4.2.3 Consider Your Audience
4.2.4 Gather Your Information
4.2.5 Analyze Your Information
4.2.6 Determine the Solution
4.2.7 Use Graphics and Illustrations
4.2.8 Organize Your Report
4.3 Elements of Effective Business Reports
4.3.1 Accuracy
4.3.2 Objective
4.4 Short Business Reports
4.5 A Standard Format Of Long Business Reports
4.6 Samples of Business Reports
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
Chapter Five Contracts and Agreements
Section One Business Writing
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 What is Contract?
5.1.2 What is Agreement?
5.1.3 Difference between Contract and Agreement
5.2 General information and Samples of Contracts and Agreements
5.2.1 Structure of Contract
5.2.2 The Verbal Characteristics of Contracts
5.2.3 Samples of Contracts and Agreements
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
Chapter Six Business Social Correspondence (Ⅰ)
Section One Business Writing
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Formats
6.3 Styles
6.4 Punctuation Styles
6.5 Business Social Correspondence in Details
6.5.1 Letters of Invitation
6.5.2 Letters of Apologies
6.5.3 Letters of Thanks
6.5.4 Card Writing
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
Chapter Seven Business Social Correspondence (Ⅱ)
Section One Business Writing
7.1 Letters of Praise and Appreciation
7.2 Congratulation Letter
7.3 Condolence Letters
7.4 Letters of Recommendation
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
Chapter Eight Trade Correspondence (Ⅰ)
Section One Business Writing
8.1 Introduction
8.2 General Information and Samples of Trade Correspondence
8.2.1 Establishing Business Relations
8.2.2 Inquiries
8.2.3 Offers
8.2.4 Counteroffers
8.2.5 Acceptance, Orders and Declining Orders
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
Chapter Nine Trade Correspondence (Ⅱ)
Section One Business Writing
9.1 Packing and Shipment
9.1.1 Packing
9.1.2 Shipment
9.2 Terms of Payment
9.3 Insurance
9.4 Complaints,Claims and Settlements
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
Chapter Ten Netiquette in Business Communication
Section One Business Writing
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Netiquette in Details
Section Two Language Handbook
Useful Words and Expressions
Useful Sentences
1.Sales Contract
2.Sales Confirmation
3.Certificate of Origin
4.Commercial Invoice
5.Praforma Invoice
6.Bill of Lading
8.Inspection Certificate
9.Packing List
10.Collection Order
11.Letter of Credit, Irrevocable Documentary
12.Marine Cargo Transportation Insurance Policy
13.English Abbreviations in Business
