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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 阿森西奥
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 笔译实践指南丛书
标 签: 研究生入学考试


ISBN: 9787544608497 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 156 字数:  




  罗伯托·马约拉尔·阿森西奥(Rober.to Mayoral Aseilsio)在西班牙格拉纳达大学执教23年,还是普林斯顿大学、达特茅斯大学和杨百翰大学的访问教授,从事公文翻译长达18年。


1. Introduction
2. Professional Practice
2.1 Professional practice around the world
2.2 Features of official translation in different countries and regions
3. Social Context
3.1 Participants
3.2 Loyalties
3.3 The translator's ideology
3.4 Across cultural distance
4. Documents
4.1 Types
4.2 Information and functions
5. The Official Translator as a Jurilinguistic Expert
6. Different Ways of Translating
6.1 Adequacy conditions
6.2 Constraints
6.2.1 Legal norms
6.2.2 Ethical norms: Professional vs. personal
6.2.3 Traditions and customs
6.2.4 Constraints imposed by the client, the initiator or the recipient
6.3 Freedom
7. Common Problems and Frequent Solutions
7.1 Means of expression
7.2 Format and typing conventions
7.2.1 Belonging to the original vs. belonging to the translation
7.2.2 Converting complex formats into paragraph sequences
7.2.3 Text vs. image
7.2.4 Avoiding deception
7.2.5 One source language
7.2.6 Legibility
7.2.7 Understandability
7.2.8 Originality
7.2.9 Other writing conventions
7.2.10 Translating into different formats
7.3 Validity and execution of documents
7.3.1 Signature and seal
7.3.2 Certifying authorities
7.4 Medium
8. On the Translation of Different Documents
8.1 Birth, marriage and death certificates
8.2 Academic transcripts and diplomas
8.3 Agreements and undertakings
9. Sources of Information
10. Other Professional Aspects
10.1 Fees and estimates
10.2 Professional associations
References and Further Reading
