Dr. Huizhong Shen, is Associate Dean andDirector of the China Education Centre at theFaculty of Education and Social Work, theUniversity of Sydney. He is a widely experiencedteacher at school and university level in Australia,having also taught at Fudan University in the1980s. He had served as Senior LanguageAdviser for Education Queensland before hejoined the University of Sydney in 1999. Dr. Shenhas undertaken research and publications inlanguage teacher education, teachingpedagogies and ICT in language teaching andlearning. He has supervised a number of PhDstudents in EFL Teachers Perceptions andPedagogy, Reading in an ICT-based Classroom,and Pragmatics and Pedagogy for English Teaching and Learning. Dr. Shens currentresearch interests include cross-cultural issues inEnglish pedagogies and researching ChineseEnglish as an emerging variety of English.