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作 者: 张少文 主编
出版社: 西安电子科技大学出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787802097582 出版时间: 2008-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 154 字数:  






Unit I Air Fit to Breathe:
[Reading material] Recycling the World:
Unit 2 Chemical Equations and Formulas
[Reading material]History ofChemistry
Unit 3 Detergent
[Reading material] Numbers in Physical Quantifies
Unit 4 Conductivity without Metals
[Reading material] Units of Measurement
Unit 5 Applications of Electrolysis
[Reading material] Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds
Unit 6 All Shapes and Sizes:
[Reading material] Nomenclature for Organic Compounds and Groups
Unit 7 The Global Warmers
[Reading material] Origin ofthe Gene Banks
Unit 8 Traffic Technology Drives to Clear the Road
[Reading material] Facts in the Development ofTransportation
Unit 9 GM Organisms——-Is GM the Future7
[Reading material] Genetic Modification
Unit I Air Fit to Breathe:
[Reading material] Recycling the World:
Unit 2 Chemical Equations and Formulas
[Reading material]History ofChemistry
Unit 3 Detergent
[Reading material] Numbers in Physical Quantifies
Unit 4 Conductivity without Metals
[Reading material] Units of Measurement
Unit 5 Applications of Electrolysis
[Reading material] Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds
Unit 6 All Shapes and Sizes:
[Reading material] Nomenclature for Organic Compounds and Groups
Unit 7 The Global Warmers
[Reading material] Origin ofthe Gene Banks
Unit 8 Traffic Technology Drives to Clear the Road
[Reading material] Facts in the Development ofTransportation
Unit 9 GM Organisms——-Is GM the Future7
[Reading material] Genetic Modification
Unit 10 Climate Change
[Reading material]Hurricanes
Unit 11 Pesticides and Pest Contr01
[Reading material] Clean Production
Unit 12 Energy
[Reading material]The Future of Clean Coal
Unit 13 Carbon Capture Strategy Could Lead To Emission-free Cars
[Reading material] Food Containers Leach a Potentially
Harmful Chenlical
Unit 14 Spy Satellite
[Reading material] A Review of the U.S.Missile Defence System
Unit 15 America’S Wetlands(1)
[Reading material] America’S Wetlands(2)
Unit 16 Creating Molecules and Materials by Design(1)
[Reading material] Creating Molecules and Materials by Design(2)
Appendix 1科技英语词汇构成及翻译
Appendix 2科技英语常用前缀和后缀
