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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语英美诗歌选读



定 价:¥39.90

作 者: 张剑、赵东、王文丽
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 高等学校英语专业系列教材
标 签: 教材


ISBN: 9787560073316 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 462 字数:  






Part 1 British Poetry
Chapter 1 Renaissance and 16th-Century Poetry
Edmund Spenser (1552--1599)
Elizabethan Love Poets (Christopher Marlowe & Sir Walter Ralegh)
William Shakespeare (1564--- 1616)
Thomas Campion (1567-- 1690)
Thomas Nashe (1567--1601)
Elements of Poetry: Types of Poetry (1)
Chapter 2 The Civil War and Early 17th-Century Poetry
John Donne (1572--1631)
Ben Jonson (1572--1637)
Robert Herrick (1591--1674)
George Herbert (1593--1633)
John Milton (1608-- 1674)
Andrew Marvell (1621-- 1678)
Elements of Poetry: Types of Poetry (2)
Chapter 3 Neocliassicism and 18th-Century Poetry
John Dryden (1631--1700)
J0nathon Swift (1667--1745)
Alexander Pope (1688-- 1744)
Thomas Gray (1716--1771)
Robert Burns (1759--1796)
Elements of Poetry: Alfiterafio,Assonance and consonance
 Chapter 4 Romanticism and Early 19th-Century Poetry
William Blake (1757--1827)
William Wordsworth (1770-- 1850)
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788--1824)
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792--1822)
John Keats (1795--1821)
Elements of Poetry: Rhyme
Chapter 5 Social Progress and Late 19th-Century Poetry
Alfred Tennyson (1809--1892)
Robert Browning (1812-- 1889)
Matthew Arnold (1822--1888)
Victorian Women Poets (Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
Christina Rossetti & Emily Bronte )
Rudyard Kipling (1865-- 1936)
Elements of Poetry: Rhythm and Meter (1)
Chapter 6 Modernism and Early 20th-Century Poetry
Thomas Hardy (1840-- 1928)
A. E. Housman (1859--1936)
The First World War Poets (Rupert Brooke, Siegfreid Sassoon,
Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg)
William Butler Yeats (1865--1939)
W H. Auden (1907--1973)
Dylan Thomas (1914--1953)
Elements of Poetry: Rhythm and Meter (2)
Chapter 7 World War II and Late 20th-Century Poetry
Philip Larkin (1922--1985)
Ted Hughes (1930--1998)
Seamus Heaney (1939-
Douglas Dunn (1942-- )
Liz Lochhead (1947-- )
PaulMuldoon (1951-- )
Carol Ann Duffy (1955-
Elements of Poetry: Image and Symbol
Part 2 American Poetry
 Chapter 8 The Colonial Period and Early American Poetry
 Chapter 9 Transcendentalism and 19th-Century American Poetry
 Chapter 10 Modernism and American Poetry between the World Wars
 Chapter 11 Post-Modernism and American Poetry After World War Ⅱ
