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定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 李兵 编
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪英语阅读系列教材
标 签: 英语读物


ISBN: 9787811340648 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 303 字数:  






Unit One Adapting to University Life
Text A University Life -- Do's and Don'ts
Text B Making the Transition to University Life

Unit Two What Makes a Good Language Learner?
Text A Learning Strategy
Text B Intercultural Awareness is Essential in Today's Global Environment

Unit Three Food and Nutrition
Text A Ten Nutrition Myths
Text B His & Her Eating

Unit Four How to Survive a Disaster
Text A Disasters
Text B How to Survive an Earthquake

Unit Five Sports
Text A The Olympic Games
Text B Importance of Sports

Unit Six Holidays and Festivals
Text A Chinese Traditional Festivals
Text B Major Holidays in the United States

Unit Seven Surfing the Internet
Text A The Internet in Black and White
Text B Children and Intemet Safety

Unit Eight Friendship and Love
Text A A Story about Ryan Schroer, His Friends, and His Incredible Torch Run
Text B Amazing True Love Story

Unit Nine Preventing Crimes
Text A Stop Credit Identity Theft from Happening to You --
Text B Remembering Tara

Unit Ten Environment
Text A The Hazards of Solar Energy
Text B Is Global Wanning a Threat?

Unit Eleven Scientific Forefront
Text A A Robot in the Kitchen
Text B The Gene Dream

Unit Twelve Educational Attitudes
Text A Chinese Education through the Eyes of a Foreigner ..
Text B Cheating - "But Everybody's Doing It" ~

Unit Thirteen Humor
Text A Confessions of a Humorist
Text B Humor

Unit Fourteen Advertising
Text A Ads on Postcards
Text B History of Advertising -- in Brief

Unit Fifteen Classic Novel
TextA A Room with a View (I)
TextB A Room with a View (II)

Unit Sixteen Best Seller
Text A Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (I)
Text B Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (II)

Unit Seventeen Language
Text A Is the English Language Changing?
Text B American Sign Language

Unit Eighteen Chicken Soup
Text A Working Christmas Day
Text B Big Red
