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作 者: 白世贞 编
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
丛编项: 全国商贸类"十一五"应用型教材
标 签: 经贸英语


ISBN: 9787811340785 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 158 字数:  






Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics
Text 1 The definitions of logistics
Text 2 Elements of logistics
Case: Efficient logistics vital for success

Unit 2 Transportation
Text 1 Modes of transportation
Text 2 Transport cost characteristics
Case: Chippy potato chip company

Unit 3 Inventory and Warehouse Management
Text I Inventory classifications
Text 2 Types of warehouses
Case : Jackson's warehouse

Unit 4 Packaging
Text 1 Purpose of packaging
Text 2 Packaging materials
Case 1: Dow Corning's packaging strategy
Case 2: Cisco's packaging case

Unit 5 Handling
Text 1 Handling systems
Text 2 Up and away with overhead cranes
Case: Automated case handling on the rise

Unit 6 Information Management
Text 1 About EDI
Text 2 RFID technologies
Case 1 : EDI in E-commerce
Case 2 : Application of RFID

Unit 7 Logistics Customer Service
Text 1 The introduction to logistics customer service
Text 2 Delivering customer value
Case: Managing events and promotions in the retail sector

Unit 8 The Third Party Logistics
Text 1 The introduction to TPL
Text 2 Matching supply chain and TPL strategies
Case 1: Choosing the TPL provider
Case 2: Cosfresh "Third Party Logistics"

Unit 9 Supply Chain Management
Text 1 Introduction to supply chain management
Text 2 Issues in supply chain management
Case: Toy supply chain

Unit 10 Logistics Documents
Text 1 Introduction to documents
Text 2 Major types of logistics documents
Case: Sample of an irrevocable documentary credit

Unit 11 Global Logistics
Text 1 Strategic options and management of global logistics
Text 2 The challenges of global logistics
Case: Nike -- the logistics challenge of global business

