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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语四六级大学基础英语教程(学生用书)



定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 彭漪、何伟 丛书主编:张敬源 编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 面向新世纪的立体化网络化英语学科建设丛书
标 签: 计算机英语


ISBN: 9787301134597 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 256 字数:  






Unit One Foreign Language Learning
Text A Learn a Foreign Language
TextB 5 GreatReasonstoLearn aForeignLanguage
Crammarin FoCUS Tcnse

Unit Two College Life
Text A Wlat to Expect from College Life
Text B College Talk
Grammar in Focus The Voice

Unit Three Love and Friendship
Text A Unconditional Love
Text B The Story of Kyle
Grammar in Focus Modal Verbs

Unit Four Lifestyle and Health
TextA SmallChangesYieldBigBenefits
TextB EasyWaystoLoseWeight
Grammar in Focus Non.finite Verbs:Infinitives
Test One

Unit Five Sports and Sportsmanship
Text A She Was NOt Born to Walk
TextB MyOlympic Story
Grammar in Focus Non·finite Verbs:Participles

Unit Six Success against Adversity
Text A A Tale ofTwo Hands
Text B A Violin with Three Strings
Grammar in Focus Non.finite Verbs:Gerunds

Unit Seven Art and Architecture
Text A An Impossible Bridge
Text B Tlle Pritzker Prize, the Nobel of Architecture
Grammar in Focus The Comparative Degree

Unit Eight Journey through Life
Text A The TwO Roads
TextB RunthroughtheRain
Grammar in Focus Conjunctions and Clauses
Test TWO

Unit Nine Speaking in Public
TextA WelcomingRemarksbyBillGates
Text B The Queen'S Speech on Diana'S Death
Grammar in Focus Attributive Clauses

Unit Ten
Moral Values
Text A The Praying Hands
TextB MoralValuesinAmerica
Grammar in Focus Reference and Concord

Unit Eleven Cultural Differences
TextA AmericanCustoms andEtiquette
Text B Chinese Business Culture and EtiqueRe
Grammar in Focus The Subjunctive Mood

Unit Twelve Different Words.Difierent Worlds
Text A How Do Men and Women Think Differently?
Text B How Do Men and Women Speak Differently?
GrammarinFocus Inversion
Test Three
