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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 徐剑英 丛书主编:欧阳美和、王仁元 编
出版社: 华东理工大学出版社
标 签: 教材


ISBN: 9787562823681 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 253 字数:  






Unit 1
Text A College or University?
Speaking Introduction
Grammar 基本句型
Text B Education in Britain and the US
Unit 2
Text A She Is a Legend
Speaking Greeting
Grammar 时态
Text B Everyone Loves Bean
Unit 3
Text A Rich or Poor, We Have a Growing Appetite for Junk Food
Speaking Food and Drinks
Grammar 主谓一致
Text B American Food
Unit 4
Text A Valentine' s Day
Speaking Asking for and Giving Directions
Grammar 虚拟语气
Text B Halloween
Unit 5
Text A Prometheus
Speaking Hobbies
Grammar 非谓语动词
Text B The Story of Achilles and the Fall of Troy
Unit 6
Text A The Tower of Babel
Speaking Thanks
Grammar 名词从句
Text B Noah' s Ark
Unit 7
Text A Cowboys' Tales of Love and Loss
Speaking Health
Grammar 形容词从句
Text B Explosive Sound and Energy
Unit 8
Text A Goodbye Pluto
Speaking Weather
Grammar 副词从句
Text B The Year of the Pig
Unit 9
Text A Culture Shock
Speaking Apology
Grammar 比较句
Text B Cross-Culture Marriage Increasingly Accepted in China
Unit 10
Text A The Value of Friendship
Speaking Saying Goodbye
Grammar 倒装句
Text B True Values of Life
