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定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 周青、赵晖
出版社: 华东理工大学出版社
标 签: 科技英语


ISBN: 9787562823629 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 219 字数:  






Unit One
Lesson One
Section A What a Building Is
Section B Building Structures
Section C Writing--English Writing for International Propect Contract Document
and Correspondence
Lesson TWO
Section A An Introduction to Design Process
Section B How Do We Design
Section C Writing Contract Agreement
Lesson Three
Section A The Art of the Skyscraper
Section B High—rise Buildings
Section C Writing--Call for Tenders/Bids by Employer·
Lesson Four
Section A Brief Introduction of the Predecessor World Trade Center
Section B Daniel Libeskind
Section C Writing--Letter of Tender
Lesson Five
Section A Architects
Section B Architects
Section C Writing--Letter of Acceptance
Unit TWO
Lesson Six
Section A Careers in Civil Engineering
Section B Civil Engineering
Section C Writing一一Inquiry for Supply
Lesson Seven
Section A Building Materials
Section B The Choice of Building Materials
Section C Writing——Quotation for Supply
Lesson Eight
Section A Cost Estimation
Section B Costs Associated With Constructed Facilities
Section C Writing Execution of Orders
Lesson Nine
Section A What Is Projcct Management
Section B Project Management
Section C Writing Notice tO Commence
Lesson Ten
Section A Civil Engineering Contracts
Section B Fixed—price Contract
Section C Writing Notice of Tests on Completion
Unit Three
Lesson Eleven
Section A Characteristics of Real Estate
Section B A Brief History of Real Estate Development
Section C Writing Excellent Execution Certificate
Lesson Twelve
Section A Marketing Real Estate
Section B Investors in Real Property
Section C Writing——Claims by Contractor
Lesson Thirteen
Section A Mortgages and Financial Market
Section B Basic Concepts About Mortgage
Section C writing—Securities/Bonds/Guarantees(1)
Lesson Fourteen
Section A Methods of Valuation
Section B Reasons for Valuations
Section C Writing Securities/Bonds/Guarantees(2)
Lesson Fifteen
Section A Building Units
Section B Unity
Section C Writing--Securities/Bonds/Guarantees(3)
