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定 价:¥39.50

作 者: 吴云
出版社: 旅游教育出版社
丛编项: 听说口译篇会展策划与实务岗位资格考试系列教材
标 签: 英语


ISBN: 9787563717255 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 247 字数:  






Chapter 1  Enquiring about Holding a Conference 会议咨询
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 2  Booking an Event 招展商会展预订
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 3  Event Planning and Budgeting 会展策划与预算
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 4  Providing Exhibit Information 提供展览信息
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 5  Nesotiating on Exhibitine Space 展位谈判
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 6  Hiring a Stand 申请展位
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 7  Peonal Sales Calls 销售拜访
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 8  Hiring People and Loaning Properties雇佣人员/租借物品
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 9  Safety and Security Service 安保服务
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  SDeakincl Activities
Chanter 10  Helpine with Post-Conference Loeistics会后物流服务
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 11  Opening and Reception 开幕与酒会
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 12  Attendine the Event 参加展会
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 13  Reserving Post-Conference Tou 会后旅游预订
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Chapter 14  Event Review Meetings 会议总结
  Section One  Listening Activities
  Section Two  Interpretation Activities
  Section Three  Speaking Activities
Awe 答案
Tracripts 听力原文
Appendix 附录
References 参考书目 
