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作 者: 高红 等主编
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
丛编项: 创新高职高专大学英语系列教材
标 签: 高职高专

ISBN: 9787562445258 出版时间: 2008-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 179 字数:  






Unit One Learning English
 Text A American Small Talk
  Background Knowledge of the Text
  Warmingup Questions
  Sentence Analysis
  Word Study
  Phrases and Expressions
  Differentiations and Analysis of Words and Expressions
  Word Building
  Grammar Focus
  Language Tips for Writing
 Text B Successful English Learning
  Reading Strategies (1): Reading for the Main Ideas
  Word Study
 Key to Exercises
 Translation of the Texts
 Scripts for Listening
Unit Two Higher Education
 Text A College Life: A Worthy Experience
  Background Knowledge of the Text
  Warmingup Questions
  Sentence Analysis
  Word Study
  Phrases and Expressions
  Differentiations and Analysis of Words and Expressions
  Word Building
  Grammar Focus
  Language Tips for Writing
 Text B Mother Goes to College
  Reading Strategies (2): Reading for Specific Details
  Word Study
 Key to Exercises
 Translation of the Texts
 Scripts for Listening
Unit Three Being Mature
 Text A Am I Normal?
  Background Knowledge of the Text
  Warmingup Questions
  Sentence Analysis
  Word Study
  Phrases and Expressions
  Differentiations and Analysis of Words and Expressions
  Word Building
  Grammar Focus
  Language Tips for Writing
 Text B How to Be a Young Adult
  Reading Strategies (3): Skimming
  Word Study
 Key to Exercises
 Translation of the Texts
 Scripts for Listening
Unit Four Ways to Success
 Text A The Way to Success
  Background Knowledge of the Text
  Warmingup Questions
  Sentence Analysis
Unit Five Friendship
Unit Six Sports
Unit Seven Leisure Time
Unit Eight Internet
