Game Chants
1. Rock, Paper, Scissors
2. Hide and Seek
3. Twenty Questions
4. I'm Thinking
Expressing Likes and Dislikes
1. I Don't Like to Get Up Early
2. Do You Like Big Cities'?
3. Does She Like Him?
4. Sports Fan Chant
Talking About People
1. You Look Wonderful Today
2. You Look Good in Blue
3. You Don't Look Very Well
4. Your English Is Wonderful
5. Chinese Is Easy
Expressing Thanks
1. Could You Do Me a Favor?
2. Is This Your I-Pod?
3. Maggie ! Maggie!
4. Thanks a Million
5. Thanks So Much
Making Suggestions
1. What Shall We Do Tonight?
2. Let's Eat Out Tonight
3. We Need Some Help to Clean This Place
4. What Shall We Do for Spring Break?
Expressing Greetings and Congratulations
1. What's Your Sign?
2. Today's My Parents' Anniversary
3. Young Pioneer
4. Ping's Won the Prize
5. Happy Chinese New Year
Making Requests
1. Excuse Me, May I Sit Here?
2. Would You Mind ... ?
3. I Know You Are Very Busy
4. Final Exam Panic
Expressing Apologies
1. I Didn't Mean to Bump You
2. Late Again
3. Excuse Me, Are You Mr. Yan?
4. Where's the Dog?
Saying Goodbye
1. So Long, See You Tomorrow
2. Have a Nice Weekend
3. Have a Good Trip
4. Going to Wuhan
Talking About Weather
1. Do You Think It's Going to Rain?
2. The Weatherman
3. Hurricane
4. It's Really Cold Today Olympic Chants
1. Summer Olympic Games Chant
2. 2004 in Athens, 2008 in Beijing
3. Olympic Ring Chant
4. The Olympic Motto Chant
5. Gymnastics Chant
6. Swimmers / Divers Chant
7. Going for the Gold
8. The Olympic Dream
Notes for Teachers