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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语四六级新编大学英语同步练习1(最新版)



定 价:¥20.00

作 者: 由锋
出版社: 化学工业出版社
丛编项: 新编大学英语同步练习丛书
标 签: 语言类考试


ISBN: 9787122034595 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 176 字数:  


  本丛书是一套与外研社《新编大学英语(第二版)》配套的,供大学本科非英语专业选用的同步练习册。丛书内容按照大学英语分级教学要求编排,覆盖词汇、语法、翻译、写作、阅读等多个方面,书中绝大部分题型为主观题,且每部分均单独成篇,可以为学生提供较全面的技巧点拨和实践训练。通过本丛书的训练,学生可以从多个角度理解课文知识点,并且以点带面,从更深的层次掌握词汇、语法、翻译技巧、阅读技巧等,从而为有效备考大学英语四、六级考试打下扎实的基础。 本丛书共分四册,分别适合大学英语一级、二级、三级、四级水平学生使用,每册书后附三套分级练习题供学生自测,本册为第一册。




Unit 1 Personal Relationships
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 2 Remembering and Forgetting
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 3 More than Words
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 4 Fresh Start
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 5 Animal World
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 6 A World of Mystery
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 7 Choices in Life
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 8 Romantic Stories
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 9 Holidays and Special Days
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
Unit 10 Agriculture
 Ⅰ. Vocabulary
 Ⅱ. Grammar
 Ⅲ. Translation
 Ⅳ. Writing
 Ⅴ. Supplement Reading
 Test One-Band One
 Test Two-Band One
 Test Three-Band One
Keys for Exercise and Test
 Keys for Unit 1
 Keys for Unit 2
 Keys for Unit 3
 Keys for Unit 4
 Keys for Unit 5
 Keys for Unit 6
 Keys for Unit 7
 Keys for Unit 8
 Keys for Unit 9
 Keys for Unit 10
 Keys for Test One-Band One
 Keys for Test Two-Band One
 Keys for Test Three-Band One
