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定 价:¥28.80

作 者: 贾爱兵 编
出版社: 华东理工大学出版社
标 签: 报刊读物


ISBN: 9787562823704 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 290 字数:  


  《中国英语报刊阅读》在筛选文章的过程中,既考虑了学习者的需要,又注意反映中国英文报刊的现状。每一章代表一份英文报纸或杂志,并由三个能够代表该报刊主要涉及面的单元主题组成。每一篇文章对疑难点加以较为详尽的英文注释,十分有利于学生拓展学习。与课文配套的翻译练习题,可以帮助学生掌握表达社会相关话题所需的词汇,思考讨论题中的开放式问题,有助于培养学生的独立思考、分析问题和解决问题的能力。 该教材特色鲜明,难易适中。有人担心中国的英文报刊语言不够地道,事实上,中国的各家英文报社和杂志社都有英语国家的资深语言专家把关,对文稿进行润饰、编辑等,确保了我国主流英语报刊的语言质量。




Chapter One China Daily
Unit 1 Domestic news国内新闻
Text A Communist party congress closes,opening new chapter for
scientific development
Text B Chinese defy natural calamities
Journalistic knowledge什么是新闻
Unit 2 International news国际新闻
Text A Brown takes over as prime minister
Text B Japan’S parliament elects Fukuda prime minister
Journalistic knowledge国际新闻的特点
Unit 3 Sports news体育新闻
Text A Lin.Huo win China’S fifth gold in Diving World Cup
Text B Italian coach Trapattoni confirmed for Ireland job
Journalistic knowledge体育新闻的特点
Chapter Two 21 st Century
Jnit 1 Cupid’S corner爱情角
Text A She loves me not
Text B Love lessons
(1)Tell her that money does not grow on trees
(2)It’S up to you to choose if he’S right
(3)Give him your number and go out for a drink
Journalistic knowledge读者来信
Unit 2 Campus life校园生活
Text A Online self—portraits show US at our best
Text B(1)Trying to stop the drop—outs
(2)Going preppy
Journalistic knowledge新闻导语
Unit 3 Opinion and forum评论与论坛
Text A Can robbery ever be right?
Text B(1)Has Ping—pong panic hit China?
(2)Internet is no place for foul language
Journalistic knowledge新闻中的委婉语
Chapter Three Shanghai Daily
Unit 1 Finance and economy财经新闻
Text A Morgan Stanley profit drops 7%
Text B US Federal Reserve surprises economists with rate decrease
Journalistic knowledge英语报刊标题的时态
Unit 2 2010 World Expo 2010世博会
Text A China’S Expo pavilion to become a world event
Text B New Zealand brewing up another storm for Expo 2010
Journalistic knowledge《上海日报》改版——大报“瘦身”大势所趋
Unit 3 Popular art大众艺术
Text A Shanghai swings and sings
Text B Spotlight on fans—real and“fake”
Journalistic knowledge新闻特写的特点
Chapter Four Shenzhen Daily
Unit 1 Assassination of celebrity刺杀名人
Text A Woman who tried to kill Ford freed
Text B Bhutto killed in attack
Journalistic knowledge报刊的政治属性
Unit 2 Political unrest政局动荡
Text A Bloody violence grips Kenya
Text B Kosovo declares independence from Serbia
Journalistic knowledge如何提高英语报纸阅读效率
Unit 3 Hijacking劫持事件
Text A After 36 years.FBI reignites search for D.B.Cooper
Text B The D.B.Cooper mystery
Journalistic knowledge中国英文报纸的稿件来源
Chapter Five Guangzhou Morning Post
Unit 1 Women billionaire女亿万富豪
Text A China’S richest woman turns richer after being named
Text B The latest riches woman on Mainland and her father
Journalistic knowledge英语报刊标题的字体形式
Unit 2 Passed—away celebrities已逝名人
Text A Hong Kong tycoon Nina Wang dead
Text B U.S.former first lady:Lady Bird Johnson
Journalistic knowledge新闻英语常见语法现象——连词“that”的省略
Unit 3 Civilian life百姓生活
Text A Man marries himself
Text B American wedding industry braced for lucky 07/07/07
Journalistic knowledge标题中冠词和人称代词的省略
Chapter Six South China Morning Post
Unit 1 Society当下社会
Text A Texting times bring only to this face
Text B Southern barbarians.
Journalistic knowledge新闻评论
Unit 2 Environment环境问题
Text A A city in the dark
Text B Food—waste compost project could be just a waste of time
Journalistic knowledge新闻标题的印刷形式与编排方式
Unit 3 Food and health食品卫生
Text A Mercury warning issued for sushi.
Text B Doubts raised over nutrition labeling
Journalistic knowledge英语新闻标题中be动词的省略
Chapter Seven Beijing Review
Unit 1 Science and technology科学技术
Text China’S science project
Journalistic knowledge科技英语新闻的语言特色
Unit 2 Agriculture and social security农业与社会安定
Text No farmer left behind
Journalistic knowledge英语新闻文章的体裁与结构
Unit 3 Anti—terrorism反恐怖主义
Text Pursuing terrorists or resources
Journalistic knowledge英语报刊副标题的作用
Chapter Eight China Today
Unit 1 Space太空
Text Chinese lunar landing imminent
Journalistic knowledge深度报道
Unit 2 Culture文化
Text A long march in Tibet
Journalistic knowledge新闻照片的作用
Unit 3 Tourism旅游
Text Shanghai——China’S most internationalized metropolis
Journalistic knowledge新闻中的背景解释
Chapter Nine People's Daily Online
Unit 1 Sino.foreign relations中外关系
Text A Premier Wen calls for guarantee of healthy,steady
Text B New chapter for SinoIndian relations as Singh ends China tour
Journalistic knowledge英语新闻中的比喻
Unit 2 Participation in the management of state affairs参政议政
Text A Cause of multi—party cooperation promising
Text B Netizens say gov’t report faces problems squarely
Journalistic knowledge复合新词反映流行趋势
Unit 3 Inflation通货膨胀
Text A China’S new inflation control targets pragmatic and reasonable
Text B Global inflation:from worry to reality
Journalistic knowledge夺人眼球的外来词
Chapter Ten PLA Daily Online
Unit 1 Combat disasters共渡时艰I
Text A PLA and APF throw 1 00,000 troops into earthquake
relief work
Text B 306.000 soldiers mobilized to combat snow disasters
Journalistic knowledge灾难报道中的人文主义关怀
Unit 2 International cooperation and military exchanges
Text A Sino—Indian anti—terror drill begins
Text B PLA ready for peace mission challenge
Journalistic knowledge互联网对新闻受众的再分配
Unit 3 International military国际军事
Text A U.S.to send more troops to Afghanistan next year
Text B U.S.forces kill five Iraqi policemen south of Baghdad
Journalistic knowledge消息来源
Reference key参考答案
