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作 者: 张国钢 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材·大学英语立体化网络化系列教材
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787301126998 出版时间: 2007-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 221 字数:  






Unit 1
Text A The Role of Women in the United States
Text B Welcome to Our Bank.
Text C Advertise Perform a Useful Service to the Community
Text D Stricter Traffic Law Can Prevent Accidents
Unit 2
Text A Food in America
Text B Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Text C Men Are Carrying on a Sex-fight
Text D The Cultural Mindset in Academic Writing in English
Unit 3
Text A The Importance of a Computer
Text B Bill Clinton.
Text C The Midsummer Festival
Text D Give Your Attention to LiRle Event
Unit 4
Text A Two Clashing Notio of Love
Text B International Marriages
Text C My Father’s Son
Text D Money Is Not So Important
Unit 5
Text A How Do America Address People
Text B I Would Like to Say
Text C Don' t Be Chicken about Speaking-English
Text D Chinese Students in the United States
Unit 6
Text A Clothes Make the Man
Text B Contribution of Co-education
Text C Dropouts for Ph.D.s
Text D The Other Woman
Unit 7
Text A The Pretty One
Text B Meant to Be
Text C No Turning Back--Jewel Kilcher
Text D Great Time of Growing--M . Thatcher
Unit 8
Text A Strictly Ban Smoking
Text B Pop Sta Earn Much
Text C Life Is as a Game of Chess, Which Benefits from Win-win Situation
Text D Just as at Your Own Home
Unit 9
Text A Borrowing a Match
Text B Waiter from Hell
Text C I Never Write Right
Text D The Unlucky Number
Unit 10
Text A Cambridge--the Unive ity Town
Text B Public Education in the U.S.
Text C The Pleasure of Reading
Text D Examinatio Exert a Harmful Influence on Education
Unit 11
Text A Tardiness Is Not Appropriate
Text B Pengui
Text C Pyramids
Text D Speak English, not Chinglish
Unit 12
Text A Hey, Take It Easy
Text B Letter in the Wallet
Text C A Boy with a Mission
Text D Cultivate Better Bonds with Neighbo and Friends
Unit 13
Text A Becoming Open to Othe
Text B How to Mend a Broken Friendship
Text C The History of the Olympic Games
Text D Family
Unit 14
Text A Lightning
Text B Internet
Text C American Public Education System
Text D Dare to Dream
Unit 15
Text A Memorial Day (U.S.)--the Last Monday in May
Text B The Causes of Poverty
Text C In Our Hands
Text D The Car and the Environment
