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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语物流专业英语



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作 者: 苏雪
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787560945064 出版时间: 2008-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 196 字数:  






Part 1 Basic Knowledge about Logistics
 Text One What is Logistics?
 Text Two Value-Added Functions of Logistics
 Text Three Development of Logistics Industry
 Reading Material Reverse Logistics
Part 2 Transportation Management
 Text One Transportation Overview
 Text Two Transportation Modes
 Text Three General Knowledge of Container Transport
 Reading Material Container Transport Flow
Part 3 Warehouse Management
 Text One Warehouse and Warehouse Management
 Text Two Warehousing Alternatives
 Text Three Introduction to Warehouse Operations
 Reading Material The Functions of Cross-docking
Part 4 Inventory Management
 Text One What is Inventory Management?
 Text Two Vendor Managed Inventory
 Text Three Inventory Carrying Costs
 Reading Material Moving Toward Zero Inventory
Part 5 Packing Management
 Text One Introduction to Packaging
 Text Two Packaging Material
 Text Three Packaging Design
 Reading Material Types of Packing Boxes
Part 6 Distribution Management
 Text One Introduction to Physical Distribution
 Text Two Distribution Center
 Text Three An Integrated System of DC
 Reading Material Forklift Trucks
Part 7 International Logistics System
 Text One International Logistics
 Text Two Multimodal Transport
 Text Three The Standard Operation for International Freight
 Reading Material Considerations Needed When Shipping for Exporter
Part 8 Supply Chain Management
 Text One Introduction to Supply Chain
 Text Two Supply Chain Management
 Text Three Supply Chain Competitiveness
 Reading Material Supply Chain Core Processes
Part 9 Logistics Documents
 Text One Documentation in Logistics Ⅰ
 Text Two Documentation in Logistics Ⅱ
 Text Three Documentation in Logistics Ⅲ
 Reading Material International Trade Contract
Part 10 Logistics Supply and Demand Survey
 Text One Information Collection on Logistics Supply and Demand Survey
 Text Two The Questionnaire Design of Logistics Supply and Demand
 Text Three Sample of Logistics Service Questionnaire (Distributor)
 Reading Material Logistics Quality
Part 11 Logistics Information Technology
 Text One Electronic Business
 Text Two EDI Exchanges and E-commerce
 Text Three Logistics of E-commerce Era
 Reading Material Logistics Communications
附录A 专业英语中的常用语法知识
附录B 物流缩略语
附录C 世界著名物流企业
附录D 单词表
附录E 模拟试题
