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作 者: 袁满 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787560327440 出版时间: 2008-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 327 字数:  






1 Principles of Computer Organization Introduction
 1.1 Computer Hardware
 1.2 Processor
 1.3 Memory Systems
 1.4 Input/Output System
 1.5 Buses and Controllers
 1.6 USB--Universal Serial Bus
2 Operating System Introduction
 2.1 Summary of Operating System
 2.2 Operating System Concepts
 2.3 Case Studies
 2.4 Operating System Present and Future
3 Data Structures and Algorithm Introduction
 3.1 Abstract Data Types
 3.2 List
 3.3 Graphs
 3.4 Binary Tree Structure
 3.5 Algorithm Analysis
4 Principles of Object-oriented Software Development Introduction
 4.1 Teminology
 4.2 Paradigms of Programming
 4.3 The object-oriented Software Life-cycle
 4.4 Unified Modeling Language
5 Database Management System Introduction
 5.1 What Is a Relational Database
 5.2 Introduction to a Database Management System (DBMS)
 5.3 Database Objects of SQL Server
 5.4 Client/Server Architecture and Browser/Server Technology
 5.5 New Forms of Databases and Data Warehouses
 5.6 SQL Server 2000 Product Overview
 5.7 Distributed Databases
 5.8 The Technology of Middleware
 5.9 XML
6 Computer Network and Internet Introduction
 6.1 Tdeeommuniealiom and Informafion Superhighway
 6.2 Intemet and Its History
 6.3 Computer Network
 6.4 Open System Intereonneetion Reference Model
 6.5 lntemet Protocol Stack
 6.6 IPV6 and Mobile IPV6
7 Network security
8 Artificial Intelligence
9 Multimedia
10 Distributed System
