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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科社会科学信息与知识传播世博读本(英文版)



定 价:¥49.00

作 者: 宋超 主编
出版社: 上海科学技术文献出版社
标 签: 出版


ISBN: 9787543936195 出版时间: 2008-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 192 字数:  


  《世博读本》将主体内容与知识窗相结合,立体地介绍了世博会的历史、文化与发展过程,以及它所折射出来的精神内涵。全书分“一切始于世博会”,“各国与世博会”,“中国与世博会”,“世博会:向上海走来”四大板块。值得一提的是,在“中国与世博会”部分,前半部分内容介绍了晚清第一批“睁眼看世界”的中国商人、巴黎世博会上的中国人身影、清政府是如何登上世博会舞台的、在美国芝加哥世博会上中国民营资本的通力合作,以及民族企业所取得的奖项,其中有“荣记湖丝”在1851年伦敦世博会上所获得的奖状、上海耀华照相馆在1900年巴黎世博会上所获得的奖状等内容。后半部分则介绍了新中国先后参加的11次世博会,在这些世博会上,中国馆兼顾古代文明,以现代科技成就为表现重点,精彩的展出包容古今硕果,体现了人与自然和谐相处的理念。而“世博会:向上海走来”板块,则介绍为了这一天我们所做的各种准备、“城市,让生活更美好”的上海世博会主题,以及展馆、论坛、文艺活动等内容,介绍了在2010年上海世博会,城市最佳实践区和网上世博会将成为两大创新亮点。 一切始于世博会。世博会被称为经济、文化、科技领域的奥林匹克盛会。150多年来,世博会以其自身魅力吸引着人们的目光,从水晶宫到自由女神像,这些源于世博会的经典建筑已经成为人类建筑的标志性符号;从魔方到冰淇淋,这些首次露面于世博会的发明已经渗透到我们的日常生活。世博会改变并影响着这个世界。本书图文并茂地介绍了林林总总的世博会历史与文化。城市,让生活更美好!




Chapter Ⅰ: Everything Great Starts from World Expo
World Expo: Olympics for Economy, Culture, Science and Technology
From Strength Competition to Intelligence Exposure: Expo Witnesses the Human Development
World Expo: A Showcase for Human's Progress
Glamour of the Expo: Communication and Participation
World Expo Culture: National and Global
Theme: The Soul of Expo
Exhibition: Five Continents before Your Eyes
Brainstorming: Discussing Global Common Topics
Joyful Gathering at the Uncommon World Expo
Follow-up Effect of World Expo
Chapter Ⅱ: Host Countries and Their World Expos
The U.K. and the World Expo: Modem World in Crystal Palace
France and the World Expo: A Beautiful Encounter with Paris
France and the World Expo: The Vicissitudes of Eiffel Tower
The U.S. and the World Expo in the 19th Century: Mankind Enters the Age of Skyscrapers
The U.S. and the World Expo in the First Half of the 20th Century: Indelible Taste
The U.S. and the World Expo in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Stride toward the Space Age
Belgium and the World Expo: Science, Civilization and Humanity
Canada and the World Expo: Seek Common Progress for Mankind
Germany and the World Expo: Building the Image of Modem World Expo
Japan and the World Expo: Development and Rise
Chapter Ⅲ: China and the World Expo
London, England: The First Chinese Businessmen to "Open Their Eyes to the World"
Paris, France: The Chinese at Four Paris World Expos
Vienna, Austria: The Controversy Concerning
with the Foreign-controlled China's Participation in the World Expo
Philadelphia, U.S.: Witness to Sino-America Friendship
St. Louise, U.S.: Qing Government Formally Ascended the Stage of World Expo
Nanjing, China: The First Practice Aiming at the World Expo
San Francisco, U.S.: The World Expo That Hugely Influenced on China
Philadelphia, U.S.: World Expo Made China Realize What the Lags Were
Chicago, U.S.: A Well-concerted Cooperation among Private Capital
From Knoxville to Aichi:
The Glorious and Splendid Trip Made by New China in World Expos
Chapter Ⅳ: 2010, We Are Coming
World Expo: Marching toward Shanghai
We Are Preparing for This Day
Theme of World Expo Shanghai: "Better City, Better Life"
Pavilion: Creating a "On-site Experience" of World Expo
Forum: Carry Forward Spiritual Heritage of World Expo
Performance: Mould the Harmony of Diverse Cultures in World Expo
Expo 2010 Shanghai: Two Innovations
