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定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 张辉
出版社: 北京语言大学出版社
丛编项: 进阶式对外汉语系列教材
标 签: 教程


ISBN: 9787561921616 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 111 字数:  


  《成功之路》是一套为母语非汉语的学习者编写的对外汉语教材。这套教材既适用于正规汉语教学机构的课堂教学,也可以满足各类教学形式和自学者的需求。 《成功之路》为教学提供全面丰富的教学内容,搭建严谨规范的教学平台。学习者可获得系统的汉语言知识、技能、文化的学习和训练。同时,《成功之足各》的组合式设计,也为各类教学机构和自学者提供充分的选择空间,最大程度地满足教学与学习的多样化需求。《成功之路》为该系列之一的《入门篇》分册。




致学习者To Students
1 Ni hao!How do you do?/Hi!
语音注释Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声调符号的标注Tone mark labeling
2.轻声(1)The neutral tone f11
3.第三声的变调(1)The sandhi in the third tone f1)

2 Zaoshang hQo!Good ml rning~
语音注释Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.关于a、e、i的发音On the pronunciation of a,e and i
2.拼写说明Instruction on p inyin writing
3.第三声的变调(2)The sandhi in the third tone f2)

3 Ni he shenme?What whld you like to drink?
语音注释Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母b、P、m、f的发音The articulation of initials b,P,m and f
2.声母Z、G、S的发音The aniculation of initials Z,C and s
3.单韵母e、u、0的发音The articulation of mon0一finals e,u and u
4.第一声的发音The aniculation of the first tone
5.声调标注规则The rules about marking the tones

4 WO VaO huan renmlnbi
I’d like 10 change some money into RMB
语音注释Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母d、t、n、I的发音The articulation of initials d,t.n and I
2.声母zh、ch、sh、r的发音The articulation of initials zh,ch, sh and r
3.韵母ai、ei、ao、OU的发音The articulation of finals ai,ei,ao and ou
4.第二声的发音The aniculation 0f the second tone

5 Ni au nar?Where are you going?
语音注释Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母j、q、x的发音The articulation of initials j,q and x
2.声母g、k、h的发音The articulation of initials g,k and h
The articulation of nasal finals an,en,in;ang,eng and ing
4.第三声的变调(3)The sandhi in the third tone(3)

6 Ni shi na guo ren?Where are you from?
语音注释Notes on Chinese Phonetics
To differentiate the finals z,c,s;zh,ch,sh;j,q and x
The pronunciation of finals ie,Oe;ian and Qan
3.第四声的发音The articulation of the fourth tone

7 Zhe shi Women lla de zhaoplan
This is a photo of my fanily.
语音注释Notes on Chinese Phonetics
1.声母r和l的分辨The differentiation between initials r and I
2.轻声(2)The neutral tone(2)

8 Ni xihuan chT shenme?What do you like to eat
语音注释Notes on Chinese Phonetics
汉字索引Index 0f Chinese Claraclers
致教师To Teachers
