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作 者: 何宇漾
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
丛编项: 高职高专汽车技术服务与营销专业系列教材
标 签: 高职高专英语


ISBN: 9787562445340 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 166 字数:  






Unit 1 Automobile Overview
Part 1 Automobile classifications
Part 2 SANTANA 2000 GSI technical data
Reading material Kinds of cars
Unit 2 Automobile Basics
Part 1 Structure of automobile
Part 2 Logos of automakers
Reading material The history of automobile
Unit 3 Automotive Engine
Part 1 Engine types and operating
Part 2 Engine specifications
Reading material The components of the engine
Unit 4 Crank and Connecting Rod Mechanism
Part 1 Piston, connecting rod and crankshaft
Part 2 Cylinder block
Reading material Valves and valves train
Unit 5 Engine Fuel System
Part 1 Fuel injection system
Part 2 Petrol engine fuel system
Reading material Direct petrol injection
Unit 6 Engine Cooling and Lubrication Systems
Part 1 Engine cooling system
Part 2 Engine lubrication system
Reading material Lubrication system service and maintenance
Unit 7 Engine Intake and Exhaust Systems
Part 1 Engine intake air system
Part 2 Engine exhaust system
Reading material Three-way catalytic converter(TWC)
Unit 8 Diesel Engine Fuel System
Part 1 Common rail diesel injection system
Part 2 Principles
Reading material History of common rail direct fuel injection
Unit 9 Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Part 1 HEV basics
Part 2 The operation of HEV
Reading material Hybrid electric vehicles maintenance
Unit 10 Transmission System
Part 1 Overview
Part 2 Automatic transmission
Reading material Manual transmission
Unit 11 Braking System
Part 1 Braking system
Part 2 ABS(Anti-lock Braking System)
Reading material Electronic stability program(ESP)function
Unit 12 Steering System and the Running Device
Part 1 Steering system
Part 2 The running device of automobile
Reading material Power steering
Unit 13 The Charging and Starting Systems
Part 1 Charging system
Part 2 Starting system
Reading material Starting and charging system maintenance
Unit 14 Ignition and Air Conditioning Systems
Part 1 Ignition system
Part 2 Air conditioning system
Reading material Distributorless ignition systems
Unit 15 Automotive Safety
Part 1 Automotive safety introduction
Part 2 Air bags
Reading material Electronic immobiliser
Unit 16 CAN-bus System
Part 1 Controller area network
Part 2 Data transmission
Reading material A short trip on the CAN bus
Unit 17 Vehicle Self-diagnosis
Part 1 Self-diagnosis
Part 2 OBD(On-Board Diagnostic)systems
Reading material Trouble shooting
Unit 18 Service and Repair Manual
Part 1 How to proceed with trouble shooting
Part 2 Check the engine oil level
Reading material Looking for leaks
Unit 19 Owner's Manual
Part 1 Starting the engine
Part 2 Controls near the steering wheel
Reading material Identification numbers
